
May 8, 2021
Help, insight, or advice would be so greatly appreciated! I’m feeling exhausted and defeated at this point, but I haven’t lost hope yet!

Backstory: I bought 4 young pullets this past Sunday from a backyard breeder. When my husband and I pulled up to the house, we almost kept driving the conditions were so bad- for both the people and the chickens. I looked the babes over and 3 of the 4 looked healthy to the naked eye. The French wheaten maran was the smallest of the bunch and just didn’t look right. I decided to take her anyways and she has become a rescue and rehabilitation mission.

Sooo when we got home, before I put them in their quarantine pen, I looked them over and low and behold they had lice. Not a terrible infestation actually. Treated with garden and poultry dust. The next day, I did not see any lice but gave them a bath in blue Dawn for safe measure.

Fast forward to Wednesday. The sick one is getting that coccidiosis look to her (see pictures.) I get Corid and they are on the last day day of it today 5/23. Back to Wednesday: The sickly one is not getting better. She keeps her eyes closed but is eating and drinking. She is separated from the others in the house.

Thursday, I see tape worms squirming in a very loose stool of hers (it was the rice kind of worms.) I give Praziquantrel. Next day, no change, possibly worse and the following days, truthfully, haven’t been much better. I have resorted to hand feeding her softened chick starter feed and cooked egg yolk and giving one drop of water at a time with a dropper to avoid aspiration.

I messaged the buyer and told her that the French Wheatan Maran was doing poorly. She said she was sorry and would be looking at her flock closely. I was not expecting anything different as far as a response goes. I was happy to give the people the 60 dollars for her and the others. But now, I’m growing attached to this sick little girl. I would love nothing more than to see her pull through.

She looks like she is on deaths door. She will not open her eyes unless something startles her. I have searched to no avail on this forum and the Facebook Backyard Chickens group. Please let me know if I’m leaving any stone unturned at this point!

I have given:
•Unmediated chick starter 20% protein and cooked egg yolk, alternating
•Water with appropriate Corid dosage for 5 days
•Praziquantel for tape worms


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Do you have the Corid liquid or the powder? Give her 0.1 ml per pound of weight of undiluted liquid Corid orally twice a day in addition to the liquid in the water. I would treat her another 5 days. If you have the powder Corid, mix 10 ml of water and 1.5 tsp of the powder, and that is equal to the undiluted liquid Corid. You can mix a larger quantity to keep in the fridge, or just mix the 10 ml. I would also mix a little feed and a lot of water to make a watery mash to feed. Give her extra Corid water with a dropper carefully.
Do you have the Corid liquid or the powder? Give her 0.1 ml per pound of weight of undiluted liquid Corid orally twice a day in addition to the liquid in the water. I would treat her another 5 days. If you have the powder Corid, mix 10 ml of water and 1.5 tsp of the powder, and that is equal to the undiluted liquid Corid. You can mix a larger quantity to keep in the fridge, or just mix the 10 ml. I would also mix a little feed and a lot of water to make a watery mash to feed. Give her extra Corid water with a dropper carefully.
I appreciate your response so much!! It is the liquid form. I am doing all I can for this sick girl. Her 3 flock mates are doing really well. I treated the others with Corid water also.
Make sure that she is warm enough. Let us know how she gets along.
I sure will! I’m really pulling for her. I put the heat lamp on her earlier but it was too hot. She started panting. Since then I have been keeping her wrapped in a blanket.

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