Sick Golden Laced Wyandotte

She got a lot less puffy today, so I took her outisde with the rest of the flock. Shes a little puffy and a little bit off balance too. She has to like move her wings to gain balance back. But shes still running around with them and looks happy
I would keep observing her behavior. Chickens will use their wings to help balance for many reasons. Good to know that she was enjoying some time outside.
She came back in tonight. All the girls went in the coop except her. She just stayed outside puffed up in a ball. When I went to grab her she practically fell over. She hardly as any balance. She's still highly interested in food. I gave her another Fish Mox pill tonight and hoping she'll feel better in the morning. Shes back in the warm bathroom tonight. I gave her some bread and dried mealworms to eat and I'm going to turn off the light in a little bit.

If anything feels weird, it would be her tummy may be slightly swollen. Other than that, everything is fine. Her balance is terrible and she still is in a puffball. Her balance is the most concerning to me right now.

I honestly have no idea what's wrong with her, but she has given up. Shes laying in a ball with her eyes closed and her body is starting to get cold. It happened so fast, I really dont know what it was.

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