Sick gosling


Jun 3, 2021
Does anyone have any idea what could cause this in a gosling? We came home last night to find one of the goslings wings like this. She also has one leg that is severely twisted. I can provide more pictures of the leg. I’m most concerned at the moment about this wing. We are currently adding nutritional yeast to her water, she gets fresh herbs (oregano, thyme, mint, rosemary) in her water as well. And then duck feed. I just got some poultry electrolytes that I am planning on giving as well. I am also going to soak her legs in Epsom salt water. Any other suggestions would really be appreciated, especially for this wing. Also if there are any suggestions on how to keep her out of pain I would love to know that as well.


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It looks like she's suffered abrasions on her wing, potentially caused by other animals or rubbing against something rough. A wound healing spray like Vetericyn may help facilitate healing.

What kind of enclosure was she in and what other birds (and ages) were in there with her?

Pics of the leg would be needed to suggest a course of action. Hope she's feeling better soon.
It looks like she's suffered abrasions on her wing, potentially caused by other animals or rubbing against something rough. A wound healing spray like Vetericyn may help facilitate healing.

What kind of enclosure was she in and what other birds (and ages) were in there with her?

Pics of the leg would be needed to suggest a course of action. Hope she's feeling better soon.
Ok thank you for the suggestion! We have been putting spray on her for two nights now and it has really helped! She is with one other gosling her same age, and 3 ducklings also about the same age. But we put them in a raised enclosure that we have to try them out in it. The flooring is wire mesh. The others were fine with it, but with her lame foot I could see it possibly dragging on the floor. We took them all out of that and she is also separated by herself while she recovers. I’m attaching a picture of her foot and leg. I’m wondering if an Epsom salt soak might help?


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How is your gosling doing?
wire flooring is not good for waterfowl. I can cause bumble foot if they cut or scratch their feet on the wire.
Epsom salt soaks can sure help with healing but try and keep her from drinking the water since Epsom salt is also a laxative.
Looks like her knee area is swollen is that where her lameness is coming from?
Thanks for asking. She is doing somewhat better. The fuzz and feathers are starting to grow back with treatment from the medicated spray. We have been soaking her legs in Epsom salt. We hold her and dangle her legs in a warm Epsom salt soak for about 10 minutes at a time. Also we have been giving her warm baths and she seems to enjoy those and eventually starts using her lame leg in the bathtub to swim. I wonder if we will get her to the point where she can rejoin the other gosling. He is currently in another brooder but he is almost big enough to integrate with the adults outside.
Thanks for asking. She is doing somewhat better. The fuzz and feathers are starting to grow back with treatment from the medicated spray. We have been soaking her legs in Epsom salt. We hold her and dangle her legs in a warm Epsom salt soak for about 10 minutes at a time. Also we have been giving her warm baths and she seems to enjoy those and eventually starts using her lame leg in the bathtub to swim. I wonder if we will get her to the point where she can rejoin the other gosling. He is currently in another brooder but he is almost big enough to integrate with the adults outside.
And yes her lameness seems to be coming from the swollen leg. Although she has a twisted foot on that side as well. Other than the one night in that enclosure with the metal floor, they have always been in a brooder with wood chip flooring or out in the grass outside. I think the twisted foot may have been cause by something else. I’ve been told maybe something happened when she was hatching? I didn’t hatch them.
Great to hear she has improved. Just wondering if she is able to bend her leg completely into a standing position? when I saw the swelling made me think of slipped tendon.
As for putting her out with the others. You'll just have to try, and be ready to rescue if they don't accept her. Sometimes when an animal is showing weakness the others won't accept and will try to run them off, [in the wild it's survival of the fittest and a sick or lame animal would draw in predators]
Great to hear she has improved. Just wondering if she is able to bend her leg completely into a standing position? when I saw the swelling made me think of slipped tendon.
As for putting her out with the others. You'll just have to try, and be ready to rescue if they don't accept her. Sometimes when an animal is showing weakness the others won't accept and will try to run them off, [in the wild it's survival of the fittest and a sick or lame animal would draw in predators]
She straightened her leg a couple of times in the warm water of the bathtub. She is reluctant to do it out of the water, but I imagine it still hurts. I know the water helps the pain and is lower impact. I’m hoping the exercise will help her. We have a lot of ducks and one of our ducks got trampled by one of our turkeys and has a permanent hobble. Our ducks still accept her. So I’m hoping it will be the same eventually for this poor little gosling. She is so lonely.
how to tape feet so they lay in normal position.
you can also make a shoe using a piece of plastic cut from a cool whip container [ in shape of goose foot]or some similar wrap completely with tape then lay the goose foot onto the plastic shoe then wrap with vet wrap you want the foot to lay normally.
I'd still try and help improve her walking if possible. But of course up to you. Water therapy is great to help improve any injury and can sure help build up muscles. I hope it all works. Please keep us updated.

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