Sick hen due to misshapen eggs?


In the Brooder
Apr 14, 2015
I've got a year old Bantam that is acting sickly today. Shes staying warm and laying down and looking sleepy, very under the weather. Her breathing seems a little hard too, but no wheezing. I'm worried something is going on inside her with her egg making. I was checking her vent for diarrhea and i found a half formed soft membrane, like a shell that didnt form right. I gently pulled it out of her. Not sure how long it had been in there, it didnt have any feces on it but it was a little bloody. Shes been laying very oblong eggs lately, the past 3 they were ovalish with a tapered tip. We got an extremely funny looking egg today, the worse one ive seen so far. I also put her outside the other day and it was quite cold, i didnt think it would bother them but I wonder if this did her in. I'm keeping her inside today.

I cant get her to eat anything but I am giving her some water with nutrients in it. Im worried that maybe she has an infection in her or something from a malformed egg? I've felt under her abdomen and I cant feel anything, Im considering doing an internal check just to make sure. I'm really trying to get some calcium in her so maybe she'll form something and get it all cleaned out, but I'm worried because shes going downhill fast. Shes starting to look even more pale. Is there anything else I should do?
She's not sick from the misshapen eggs. She's laying misshapen egg because she's sick.
It's usually a respiratory disease like infectious bronchitis or influenza.

Respiratory disease causes damage to the oviduct.
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@bokkobo - what kind of "nutrients" are you giving her? Do you have any antibiotics on hand for your flock? Is she sneezing or coughing? Weepy eyes?

Have you separated her from the flock? It would be best to do so both for her safety and for the safety of the other birds. I'd do that first and foremost and then head to your local feed store for some Tetracycline and get some of that in her system. Just be sure to measure out your dosages carefully. Some places will have small packets of it that are pre-measured for a gallon of water.
If it is IB or Influenza, they can't be cured with antibiotics - they are caused by viruses.

For IB, keep the bird warm, well fed, uncrowded with electrolytes in the water. If they survive, the eggs may never be the same again.
@ChickenCanoe - You're absolutely right.

If it was my hen displaying these issues, I'd likely still give them antibiotics to help prevent any secondary illnesses while they're under the weather. I know that some folks wouldn't do this as they worry about over-medicating and creating stronger bacteria, but I've only had 2 instances where I had to administer antibiotics over the past year or so and only once did I administer to the whole flock (the other was a bumblefoot issue which didn't have any risk of spreading to other flock members). As such, I'm not too worried about over-medication at this point, but I know it can certainly be a concern for some - especially if you have a large flock to maintain! :)
I'm giving her poultry Nutridrench in her water. She doesnt have any sneezing, coughing, wheezing or watery eyes. Shes just lethargic and has no appetite, and funny egg laying. She usually eats a lot and doesnt like to be held for long. The weird membrane I found is what concerns me and has me thinking something inside might be wrong. Shes also only pooped once so far today, it was pretty watery but otherwise normal. And I've noticed when she lays down she gets very pale, but when i get her up and moving around her color comes back.

Its only one other bantam hen she stays with and I have separated them and am keeping her wrapped in a blanket. Her little friend is fine and chipper. I only noticed this morning when I was going to take them out that she was so lethargic. She was fine yesterday. I'll get her some of that Tetracycline today
I'm giving her poultry Nutridrench in her water. She doesnt have any sneezing, coughing, wheezing or watery eyes. Shes just lethargic and has no appetite, and funny egg laying. She usually eats a lot and doesnt like to be held for long. The weird membrane I found is what concerns me and has me thinking something inside might be wrong. Shes also only pooped once so far today, it was pretty watery but otherwise normal. And I've noticed when she lays down she gets very pale, but when i get her up and moving around her color comes back.

Its only one other bantam hen she stays with and I have separated them and am keeping her wrapped in a blanket. Her little friend is fine and chipper. I only noticed this morning when I was going to take them out that she was so lethargic. She was fine yesterday. I'll get her some of that Tetracycline today

From your description I would suspect too that she's got something internal going on and who knows what. IB does cause deformed eggs, usually rumpled looking shells is a good give away, but you usually also have coughing, snotty noses, wheezing and rattling breathing.

We had a hen act similar to this a year and half ago. She'd laid odd, oblong eggs for some time and she apparently had one break inside her, or it was completely deformed in the first place, had some papery strips of shell hanging out. We got most of it out and she passed some pieces on her own but not before she developed an infection. We gave her some antibiotic's, don't remember what, she did recover and she'll be 7 years old this spring.

I'm generally not an advocate of throwing antibiotic's at things either unless I know exactly what's going on so I do use them sparingly. But in cases like this I think it's worth a shot. In the case of respiratory disease, sometimes preventing secondary bacterial infections/pneumonia is what makes it possible for the bird to even survive at all so I do treat for that on the advice of my avian vet. I've only had to do so twice in many years of chicken keeping.
Her eggs have been solid but oblong. The one this morning was the most deformed one so far. The film I found hanging out seemed like it was a shell that didnt form right, soft and long. Im wondering if I should I try to feel around in her then? Or should i see if something will come out on its own? I'll definitely get her those antibiotics today, I know how much a difference just one dose can make for animals

edit: and maybe should I try to increase her calcium? or should I leave that be?
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