**Sick hen! Is it the Cold Weather!? Please Help!**

we're going to run to the feed store and get some more pellets and grit later. But what type of pellets do I get? Apparently the people at the feed store are not experienced chicken owners either because they recommened scratch if I can remember right. I don't know but Im not gonna go blamming.
Any type of formulated chicken feed should be fine...pellets or crumbles. It really should be layer feed though. I'm drawing a blank on brands other than Purina (layena)...I think Dumor is a brand. Are you wanting grit or oyster shell? Because those are different. Grit is like tiny pieces of rock/gravel that helps break down food. Oyster shell is for added calcium for egg shell production.
I would look around at least for a dog house for your birds (post an add for a free or cheap one on Craigs List...bet you'll have one by the weekend), and place it so the door faces away from the wind. In the situation you're describing, there's really no way your birds can get out of cold drafts. It may work fine in the warm months if it's covered to keep rain off of them and give them shade, but not for winter time unless it's tarped all the way around pretty much, and has a roof of some kind on it.
Your porch situation sounds good for treating her and keeping her quiet...
I was mainly going for grit, I'll see if they have oyster shell.
We've got doghouses in the pens. they absolutely WILL NOT go in them.
I was mainly going for grit, I'll see if they have oyster shell.
We've got doghouses in the pens. they absolutely WILL NOT go in them.

A couple of things you can try to get them to go inside the doghouses: Of course make sure they have staw or bedding in them to make them cozy. You will probably have to stick them inside and block the door for a few nights straight so that they begin to learn that this is their safe spot. You can also try putting a small light inside the coop/doghouse each evening about 30 minutes before dark to lure them inside - a flashlight or one of those battery operated push lights work fine - turn off after they're inside (and block door till morning). If there's some way your dad could help you cut out a small window and cover in plexiglass...allows a little light into the shelter and might make it more appealing. Until they learn that this shelter is "home," it's just a scary dark cave to them. Let's face it, it would be much darker inside a windowless coop (dog house) than outside as the sun fades, so they're probably hanging out in the place with the most light...which is outdoors.
** Also, many people don't need oyster shell if they're feeding free choice layer feed, unless they're having laying/egg shell issues and need to boost calcium. So you may not need oyster shell...the layer feed may help by itself (it's formulated with calcium).
Becca, I'm sorry, racing at work so I can't read all the newer posts right now but the feed store should have layer food for hens. Because I also have a roo and the layer food has been documented to have too much calcium for roos, I feed Purina game bird maintenance to all (which they like far better than layer) and then offer oyster shell free choice in a separate container that is available at all times (as in 24/7). The hens know when they need it and eat precisely what they need - it's pretty amazing when you think about it. In a pinch though, you can get layer food for all for now. Grit is a separate thing needed for their digestion - feed stores will often sell grit for chickens (essentially approximately a foot tall bag fill of small pieces of granite). One bag will last a very long time, as with the oyster shell. You won't need more for months and months. Your bag of feed will also last for quite awhile - keep it tightly closed and out of the weather and it will stay fresh. Feed store staff all too often tell people to buy scratch as the prime food for chickens - they haven't the faintest notion what they are talking about and should not be spreading bad information.
about to leave to go get some now. Thanks for all your information, sonny seems more awake, but still has here weird swollowing thing going on. I've got fresh water in her cage. It's like her neck is twisted when she swollows...??? jjthink - If your at work please dont worry about this thread
How much does crumbles normally cost?They didnt seem to eat The bag of layer pellets they just finished a couple weeks ago.
Crumbles will cost essentialy the same as pellets - maybe $12 or $14 for 50 pound bag - not sure - depends on your area. Lasts a very long time........
Will stop here for now as you are on the way out the door...
Becca, You seem to be doing the best you can for your little bird. Take a deep breath because that's all we ever can do.

If you have an egg handy; scramble it for her. Do it in a pan with a little bit of oil and make sure it's cool before you give it to her. Then when it's cool, mash it up fine, mix it with some water or watered down apple or grape juice and try to get her to swallow some of this. It's important to give her some nutritional support now.

She may have picked up something in the run and it's stuck in her throat, which may be causing the swallowing difficulties. Perhaps she just needs some encouragement and slippery stuff. That's why I suggested cooking the egg in oil.

If your chicken pens are within an extension cord distance, I recommend a heated dog watering bowl. They seem to work the best for me, or you can go to the feeding and watering thread and look up cookie tin heater. The thing to remember about the dog bowl is that the water evaporates quickly and needs refilling frequently. A chicken should never be without access to drinking water. They won't eat snow.

Go to your local library and request and check out any and all books on chickens that you can. This gives you a lot of information about them from many different perspectives. Even the smallest American towns have libraries and these libraries can get you books from other libraries so you have lots of things to choose from.

Good luck,
Just got back from the feed store. I went ahead and got a bag of layer pellets..it'll have to do FOR NOW. About to scramble an egg for Sonny girl... fiberart57- thanks so much

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