Sick hen not sure please help

Feb 13, 2021
I have this hen she’s usually chatty and and active and now she’s not. She’s lethargic and somewhat eating drinking more. She’s cleaning herself and still chatting a little I just don’t know what it is. She’s sitting and standing alone under shaded areas when the others come running to me. I switched them too 20% protein with oyster shells instead of a layer feed to help my egg production and help regrow feathers. I put a probiotic in their water and I clean and pull food everyday. There’s lots of shade even though it’s hot and humid here. I just don’t know what to do her crop feels normal and her tummy is squishy. Nasal passages and eyes are clear no cough just the diarrhea and lethargic
Heaven forbid something bad should happen, you should be prepared to send her for a necropsy so you know what afflicted her and how to proceed with your flock.
What state are you in?
Iowa and are you implying that she’s going to die? My last hen had an impacted crop that turned into thrush we were too late. Her stomach was distended and large. But if this was bacterial or viral wouldn’t the others have it?
Perhaps they would but perhaps she is more vulnerable and the others could be resistant.
As you know, chickens die. So yes, that is what I was suggesting. Not that she is going to, no one knows the future but anything is possible.
Here is your lab should you need it.
Iowa State University Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory
1800 Christensen Dr
Ames, Iowa 50011-1134
Phone: 515-294-1950
Perhaps they would but perhaps she is more vulnerable and the others could be resistant.
As you know, chickens die. So yes, that is what I was suggesting. Not that she is going to, no one knows the future but anything is possible.
Here is your lab should you need it.
Iowa State University Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory
1800 Christensen Dr
Ames, Iowa 50011-1134
Phone: 515-294-1950
Thank you I’m not sure if I’d have it done as I’m a small town chicken farmer with limited money. I’m not a doctor but I’m hoping and praying it’s just an upset stomach from too much water or the food switch. I know that doesn’t get you very far. I did put some probiotics in the water and I did a soak of the water bowls last night in dish soap vinegar and dawn. I’m not sure if that has anything to do with it as it started today.

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