Sick hen with yellow face?Help please.


11 Years
Jul 8, 2008
What is causing this. We had one we named Sickly when we received our newest flock and she died 2 days ago and today I noticed that another one is getting this yellow coloring on her face also. What is causing this? Any ideas? WE have them on layer crumbles and corn ,straw bedding,tretramacyin and vitamins plus treats like fruit mainly.
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Why do you have them on Terramycin? How long have they been on it? How old are they and what breed?
Long story short version. We recently received some hens from someone in very poor condition mites,lice,missing feathers, pecked a lot, very thin and some are very old, bare bottomed, pasty butt, we even did a chicken hysterectomy on one because she had a 4 1/2 pound mass (internal layer) so as you can see we are doing everything to make them healthier and happier, but I don't know what is causing this one to have this going on and I have no clue what the problem is.
Oh, okay - I recall the thread of the hysterectomy - nice job on that!

If you can post some pics, it would be most helpful. Is this one eating or drinking?
If it is liver related you'll want to stop the antibiotics. Some are excreted in the urine but some are processed through the liver and if you are using anothe "poison" or dust to treat mites, it may be over taxing the liver to filter it out. Some poisons can be absorbed via the skin or by inhalation and still have to pass through the liver.

Here she is, any ideas?
Sorry for the bad pic, but compared to the other hens she has a very yellow face just like the hen that we put down a couple of days ago.
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