Sick hen??


Dec 4, 2014

I posted a few days ago thinking my hen was egg bound but I am not sure any more. She is about a year old. The first day we notice her acting strange she was sitting on the ground..wings droopy.. and did not want to walk or stand. Did all the fun stuff for trying to help with an egg bound hen. She started running fever on the second day..
Now on the third day she is having green/yellow looking pop and her fever is still going. She is walking around more... eating and drinking. I have been giving her baby ibuprofen for the fever and still doing all the normal stuff for egg bound..

Does this still sound like egg bound or maybe she is sick.. I don't have the funds for a vet visit.. but if she was egg bound she would have passed away in the first few days? So I am not sure what could be wrong with her.
I am in florida so the weather is always hot and humid..
Any ideas would be great.. :)
Temperatures in chickens can vary from 103 to 107, and body temps depend a lot on how they are eating. I would be tempted to see a vet, and get a fecal float and gram stain for coccidiosis, worms, and bacterial enteritis.
If those are negative, I would give a strong antibiotic prescribed by the vet. Baytril is available online if you cannot do that. Mareks is out there, and can cause all sorts of strange symptoms. The vet could make the guesswork a little easier. Sorry that she is sick.
Update: She is alive!!! Took almost a week to break her fever but she is all better. She hates me now but I am happy.. thanks for all the help guys. :)
How high is her fever? That isn't egg binding.

Aspirin is the correct med to use NOT ibuprofen. I don't know the dosage though.


Thanks.. someone said ibuprofen when one of my babies was hurt.. I will switch it up to aspirin . I have not taken an exact temp but since I thought she might be egg bound I can tell just by touching her and feeling for the egg that she is on fire.
I wouldn't do anymore stuff for egg binding since that isn't likely the cause it could just be adding more stress for her.

Tag a few names to see if they have any info to offer... @casportpony, @rebrascora, @Wyorp Rock, @Eggcessive.. thanks in advance for your time and dedication to helping others! :highfive:

Thank you.. I might keep bathing her in a cool bath. Might help bring her temp down and she loves soaking in the water.

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