Sick Jubilee Orpington


5 Years
May 3, 2014
Hi, I'm a novice when it comes to raising chickens. I have 6 hens and one rooster. About 2 months ago, I purchased a female pullet and a cockerel. The cockerel looked fine, but the little pullet looked rough. She was extremely smaller, had dry looking skin, and very few feathers. I thought that she might have been especially stressed during transport. The cockerel is growing to be a large beautiful rooster. However, my little girl is looking worse and appears somewhat listless. She appears to be the same weight and in the same general poor health as when she arrived. The rest of the flock is thriving. I sure would appreciate any suggestions that would help me save her.

Thank You,
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Have you checked her over from beak to tail to check for mites/lice? I need a magnifying glass to see the smaller ones on the skin. This can be a cause for dry skin and feather loss. Lack of weight gain as the lil suckers are draining her dry.

IF she has either, dust her with Sevin under wings around vent, use a small brush to apply it on head so don't get any in nostrils or eyes. One bird has it assume ALL have them and dust them too.

Another thing to check for is worms. Have you wormed your birds? I use Valbazen 2x's a year to prevent a build up. Read this post

When I get new birds I isolate them, (learned the hard way) they get dusted and wormed. I then watch for any illness.

These forums are filled with a wealth of information and very awesome helpful people. Don't ever be afraid to ask for help and ask questions.

As a new chicken keeper put together a chicken first aid kit, meds, antibiotic cream without any painkillers (ending in caine, can kill a bird) peroxide, betadine, gauze, vet wrap, syringes with and without needles, a tube feeding kit, blue kote for spraying wounds, other poultry vitamins, electrolytes or make your own, pedialyte without iron. Everyone has the go to products for injuries just do a search for first aid kit to see the things people have on hand. I keep mine on a shelf by backdoor so I can grab what I need for the animals. Don't worry about getting everything at once, what you need for now. Then pick up what you can over time. Some have long shelf lives others once opened a year or two or even shorter.

Good luck!

*** Another thing I found helpful is to keep a notebook to keep track of what has happened with each bird, I use colored leg bands on the ones that look alike to tell them apart. ***
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Have you checked her over from beak to tail to check for mites/lice? I need a magnifying glass to see the smaller ones on the skin. This can be a cause for dry skin and feather loss. Lack of weight gain as the lil suckers are draining her dry.

IF she has either, dust her with Sevin under wings around vent, use a small brush to apply it on head so don't get any in nostrils or eyes. One bird has it assume ALL have them and dust them too.

Another thing to check for is worms. Have you wormed your birds? I use Valbazen 2x's a year to prevent a build up. Read this post

When I get new birds I isolate them, (learned the hard way) they get dusted and wormed. I then watch for any illness.

These forums are filled with a wealth of information and very awesome helpful people. Don't ever be afraid to ask for help and ask questions.

As a new chicken keeper put together a chicken first aid kit, meds, antibiotic cream without any painkillers (ending in caine, can kill a bird) peroxide, betadine, gauze, vet wrap, syringes with and without needles, a tube feeding kit, blue kote for spraying wounds, other poultry vitamins, electrolytes or make your own, pedialyte without iron. Everyone has the go to products for injuries just do a search for first aid kit to see the things people have on hand. I keep mine on a shelf by backdoor so I can grab what I need for the animals. Don't worry about getting everything at once, what you need for now. Then pick up what you can over time. Some have long shelf lives others once opened a year or two or even shorter.

Good luck!

*** Another thing I found helpful is to keep a notebook to keep track of what has happened with each bird, I use colored leg bands on the ones that look alike to tell them apart. ***

X2 !!!

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