Sick or broody?

Another Jennife

6 Years
May 15, 2013
I noticed my Australorp was in the coop at around 7 last night - late for laying but early for bed. I assumed she was just laying later than usual. This morning she didn't leave the coop. I was worried that she was sick or maybe egg bound, she seemed a bit lethargic. I put food near her and closed her up in the coop to keep the other chickens away from her. I came inside to make a 'sick box' for her in the garage, got a warm towel in there and have a warm water bath ready in case she's egg bound. I went out to get her and she hadn't touched her food but now she's acting broody: She puffed up and growled at me when I went over to her and she actually pecked me. Now my other chickens want in the coop to lay but I'm not sure whether she's sick or broody and she really doesn't want me to touch her so I haven't closely examined her.
She was broody in the spring, is it likely to happen again?
Yep she's broody I would bet. I have them go broody once a month or every other month. Just open up the coop and let the others in, then throw her out of the nest box. I put mine in a cage without bedding for 3-4 days with food, water, and a roost. When I let them out, they go back in for a few more days if I catch them in a nest box .
Well that's a relief. We decided, after last time, that if she went broody again we would leave food and water with her and let her ride it out. Last time we broke her of it but it was really sad, she suffered in the cage and lost her little chicken mind.
Thanks for your response.

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