Sick or Maybe Hurt Appleyard?

Well what do you know? We opened the pen today and out she came. She's out right now in the rain foraging in the fields and is walking just fine. I guess she must have pulled or strained something and a couple of days of rest and she's back to her old self. Thanks everyone for helping me to stave off my panic.

Ducks really are resilient creatures. They amaze me every day.
I lost two to toxic plants. Mine got into a patch of deadly nightshade that seemed to have sprung up overnight. I had ducks in that area for a long long time, never a problem. Weird weather made it grow like crazy and my two girls ate some (one just leaves, and the other probably berries). Not sure if this type of thing could have happened with yours.
We have a really dumb dog who ate a toad once. The neurological symptoms were really scary! This duck never acted out of it or anything, it was just her legs that seemed affected. I might have overreacted a little as she is just fine now. Ranged in the fields with the others all day and went into the house tonight. No problems at all.

And Dumb Cluck. I am a responsible animal lover who has always taken her ducks (and other animals) to the vet if the situation warranted it. I am not so quick to rush them in until I know for sure they aren't going to be ok with just some doctoring from me. I use common sense and experience (and BYC!) to make that decision. Ducks are very resilient and lots of times just some TLC is enough to get them back up and running with the flock. Believe me.. if the symptoms are emergent and warrant vet care I do not wait. I do truly love my ducks and would always get them medical attention if they need it. Lucky for my check book they are well and meticulously taken care of, well loved and rarely need vet care.

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