Sick Pale Rooster


6 Years
Feb 24, 2013
Kellyville Oklahoma
This rooster had been in a smaller pen that didn't get lots of direct sunlight. So when I integrated him into my main chicken yard I wasn't overly concerned about his pale comb face and waddles, But its been probably 3 months since I moved him and his paleness hasn't improved. He is about 18 months old and going through his first adult molt. The only rooster in the pen. He is eating and drinking well. No signs of external parasites. None of the other chickens have any problems like his.
I would appreciate any input I can get.
Here are some pics of Lucky. I included a pic with the hens so you can see the contrast in comb color to the hens.

I would double check him for mites, since the chicken mite only comes out in the dark of night from crevices in the coop. They can cause anemia. Pale combs are pretty common during a molt. Also worms can also cause anemia. I would use Valbazen or Safeguard Goat Wormer to worm him, and get some Poultry Cell by Rooster Booster to treat him with vitamins and iron. Most TSC stores have it, and it is sold online. Here are 3 good links on mites:

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