Sick pullets - vet nurse says it looks like enteritis - help working out a tri-Sulfa dose?


Aug 18, 2022
Brisbane, Australia
Hi, I need some expert advice on dosing my sick pullets with Tri-sulfa tablets tonight. I only have an emergency stash of tri-Sulfa tablets and I'm not sure how much to give them or how to administer it.

The lasses have no respiratory symptoms, normal behavior, they eat and drink (Fine Layer Mash and Pullet Grower mash alternating as they are at POL) and they would seem fine but they're not making urates and their poop is black and grainy like blood :( My vet nurse friend has suggested enteritis, possibly caused by cocci or live bacteria. Regardless of cause, Tetracycline isn't clearing it up. I've had the girls separated for 2 days and their poop is no better. I'm doing all the first aid type offerings, vitamins and electrolytes etc. I haven't given these birds an emergency dose of amprolium yet but I read on here that the tri-sulfa will do both jobs.

I'm in Australia so would love help with metric conversion if possible, and I'm hoping to find out how much I should give them per kilo or liter of water (the birds are various sizes and weights)

Thanks in advance, and if this has already been summarized on the forum, I'd be thankful if you'd point me to its location.

Best wishes!


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I cannot really tell you a dosage for TriSulfa tablets. Here many use SMZ TMP or bactrim, a combo of trimethoprim and sulfa, so I could help with a dosage for that. Can you ask your vet for a dosage?
Hi, no, i don't see them for two days and they're not willing to help me DIY a medical formula. I'm on my own.

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