Sick rooster!


6 Years
Oct 12, 2013
I have a sick 1 year old silkie bantam rooster. His symptoms are:
  • Bent/crooked neck
  • Can't seem to stand and much less walk
  • loss of appetite

Right below this post is a link to a picture gallery. It shows him and his poop. Any ideas? I'm not sure if he was vaccinated from Marek's because I bought him from someone who was breeding silkies. I don't see why she wouldn't but you never know.

I'm thinking about starting to tube feed him, if he doesn't pass away soon. He looks so weak compared to his usual self. He is not even keeping his head up anymore.
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I'd separate him from your birds. Scramble up and egg and offer it to him, almost irresistible snack. Add a teaspoon if honey to his water.
I can't say why he's sick :( .
Check his bum. Check his eyes and corners of beak.
Already separated from the flock and I've had to resort to hand feeding. I'm gonna try the egg!

Bum: A little dirty since he's been sitting the whole time
Beak: normal no sort of discharge
Eye: Normal

Just came back from feeding him most of a large egg. He really seemed to like it, but he's not eating by himself. Had to use a plastic syringe thing. Also he won't lift his head up by himself. Hopefullyl I get some more advice soon, because it looks like I'll have to cull him
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Update: He's just laying there panting. It seems he can't even keep his head up anymore. I'm gonna try some Honey+water in some 30 minutes or so. If he doesn't show signs of being better by tonight I think I'll cull him. Poor thing he was such a gorgeous creature.

He appears to be shedding. I just put him on a dark towel and there's a bunch of white stuff left behind. Like human dandruff, but it seems to be coming from his feathers. It's not the feathers themselves.

Does anyone have any advice?!

[11:35] Gave him about 20 ml of honey water right now. I'm gonna run to the store and get some pedialite soon.
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I just don't know :(
Check the shedding stuff close...its not moving right? Sometimes mites or lice can weaken and kill one bird faster than others or is more prone to getting them.
I'd wash his bum with warm water and a cloth to see if there is a blockage due to dried or crusted stuff but you would have noticed most likely already.

Could he have eaten somethin toxic? Maybe a plant he bit a piece off of he shouldn't have or got into poison for ants/mice/fly paper...?

Were the chicks originally vaccinated for mereks?

Paralysis can be from a few things...mereks &,botulism as example.

I wish I knew more, I'm sorry he's sick, I know it sux.
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