Sick runner duckling...breathing fast, unsteady

He made it through the night, still huffing away ? bit slower. Unsteady still, pooping well. Given him first tube feed for day. Any ideas what else I can do for him. He is a special boy...means a lot to me...
Why is he on a heating pad? How old is he?

If he is feathered out and at least a few weeks old, the heating pad maybe too hot for him, making him pant.
He was out in our shed and has not fully feathered out- about 6 weeks old. Cold here in Oct, so heat pad was in there, with plenty of space for him to move away from it. He is not eating, not drinking and cannot walk. I brought him in last night, and kept him in our laundry cupboard. Hot water tank in there so stays constant temp.
He may have become so weak that he can't move away from the heating pad.

Make sure he drinks to keep hydrated and if you have some electrolytes, add it to his water. Vita Sol come to mind.

He will need your complete attention for a couple days to get back to moving on his own.
Just check on him and he has passed away. Rest gently little duck dude. You fought a hard fight but just got too tired. x
Soooooo sorry! I just saw this post for the first time, and was sad that it had already ended the way it did. I really am sorry.

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