Sick silkie

Hi everyone nice to meet you all. I’ve been getting advice from this site for a while but decided to join yesterday, it’s the best group I’ve found and you all clearly love chickens as much as I do. Although my husband thinks I’m nuts

She is so fussy it’s unbelievable. I mentioned before that I tried the tough love approach and gave her judt the layers feed and a few of the greens to boost Vit E but she literally refused it four solid days and starved herself till she became lame and I honestly thought she wasn’t going to make the night. I had to hold a plate of scrambled eggs to give her a boost and slowly she got better over the week but the wry neck was at a scary stage. She couldn’t feed herself.
I’ll try a different brand of feed maybe. I hoped if i mixed the corn with sunflower seeds and layers feed that with the wry neck she’s at least going to accidentally eat the right stuff with the rubbish aim.

I’m happy to try anything
The last two days she’s been perfect. No signs at all of what ever this thing is. Then today when she left the coop her head was jerking like she couldn’t control it. Took her a little while but after a walk about the garden she looked ok but it’s not gone. I hate seeing her like this!
See I think that’s possibly part of the issue with her, she was only fed corn when we collected her from her previous owner and as much as I try to mix corn with layers feed, she’ll do her best to avoid it. I’ve had her separated and tried the tough love and she basically starved herself and I didn’t think she’d make it through the night. Lucky she’s ok now but still very fussy so I’ve been getting by mixing corn, layers feed and black sunflower seeds but I’m sure she’s picking around it
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Get grower crumbles (purina flockraiser) and feed it to her as a mash(mix with warm water). A Tip: Chickens will eat when they get hungry, even the picky ones. It might take a day or so but she will eat the mash.
Ok so it’s getting dramatically worse and I’m about to call the vet. She’s now unable to feed or drink herself, her poop is runny and she looks dry and not herself at all. She’s still laying eggs, still occasionally holds her neck up high and has a nose about and sometimes does eat on her own but as the days pass it’s getting worse. Now, because I live in the middle of nowhere, my vet is not only expensive, but will pull every trick in the book for extra money! If it is 100% wry/crook neck, what could the vet do? Is there an injection she can have? Desperate for her to live, not just for me but her very upset sister who hadn’t left her side through all this. She even passed her food from the bowl it’s heart breaking x

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