I have a Tom that is approximately 6-7 years old. About four weeks ago he started acting lethargic and not gobbling. He had no nasal discharge, was eating ok but just not right. His head was warm to the touch and a fairly loose stool. I wormed him, and the rest of the chickens and turkeys, and started him on oral Baytril that I received from my Vet. He seemed to get better. He was gobbling and trying to breed again. Last week though, he went down hill again, I went and got more Baytril from from Vet and started him on it again. This time though he is acting like it maybe neurological. He stands with his head completely down between his legs. He sometimes stumbles around and will rest the top of his head on the ground. His stool is watery and clear sometimes, and sometimes yellow. He seems better on the antibiotics but his head is still hot. He will gobble and is walking around but I'm not sure what is wrong. I called my Vet and they are looking into it but I was wondering if anybody had any ideas or has experienced this. Most people don't understand but I'm very attached to this Tom. I don"t want him to suffer if there isn't any hope for him to recover. I would appreciate any help or advice I can get. Thank You!!