Sick Turkey-HELP


7 Years
Apr 29, 2012
I have a 9 month old Royal Palm Turkey hen that is vey sick. She had a very goopy nose and a swollen eye/left side of head. She also seems very lethargic. I gave her a dose of Duramycin 10 in her water, as well as some vitamins to try and boost her up some. I have put her in a large dog crate so the other birds will not pick on her. I also have some Tylan 10 which I can give by injection, but I don't know how much or where to inject. She is our only turkey and we don't want to lose her. Please help!!
Sinusitis-Mycoplasma, probably. I've posted the advanced search page for this as there are some pretty good pointers in some of the posts in the threads listed (scroll down page and scan and then click on post - sometimes the entire thread will be useful. Just use back button to return to search page.
I agree that this is what is sounds like. Pics will help us give a better response, also you reading through the symptom lists will help you better identify what you have on your hands. These types of diseases are contagious so their is a good chance the rest of your flock may also be at risk. Keep a close eye on the others for symptoms. As for Tylan 50 you don't necessarily need to inject it. They can take it orally also.
Well as per the Pea Fowl page I gave Ms. turkey Lurkery an injection of Tylan. I also withdrew quite a bit of mucus from her sinus cavity. I hope I did the right thing.
She's probably feeling less `pressured'. This has been a successful symptomatic treatment for quite a few turks.
She is doing better. I have continued to give her shots daily. The swelling has decreased quite a bit. Thx for everyone's help.

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