Sick turkey & I could use some advice

Amie DePrimio

In the Brooder
Dec 18, 2017
Hello! I rescued a white turkey in the fall. She is the most amazing bird and so friendly! From what I have been told she will be a year old in the spring. A few months ago, she started getting what I can only refer to as a “stuffy nose”. After speaking to someone on one of the other forums, I gave her 5 days of Tylan 50 at 0.2 ml per pound three times a day orally. I really struggled to get it all in her and at the end of the 5 days, she was improved but not all better. We decided to give her a few weeks to see if she just needed more times to finish recooping. A few weeks later, she was MUCH worse and I could hear it in her lungs some. We were in the middle of a horribly cold snap and she was shivering and hardly moving around. We moved her into the basement where we could give her extra calcium, protein and would be more successful with her doses. We kept her in the basement until the weather warmed up and then sent her back out with the flock (12 chicken hens, a rooster and a red hen turkey who have a coop in my horse barn). She is majorly improved but still not all better. It seems like she would be ok if she could just blow her nose once. I can see dried stuff stuck up in her nostrils. That all being said, its been over a week since she has been off the Tylan and back outside. Should I give her another round of antibiotics or is there something else I am missing? Also, we have been throwing away her eggs, how long until after she has been off the antibiotic can we start eating them again? Sorry for the long post and thank you in advanced for your help.
Hello! I rescued a white turkey in the fall. She is the most amazing bird and so friendly! From what I have been told she will be a year old in the spring. A few months ago, she started getting what I can only refer to as a “stuffy nose”. After speaking to someone on one of the other forums, I gave her 5 days of Tylan 50 at 0.2 ml per pound three times a day orally. I really struggled to get it all in her and at the end of the 5 days, she was improved but not all better. We decided to give her a few weeks to see if she just needed more times to finish recooping. A few weeks later, she was MUCH worse and I could hear it in her lungs some. We were in the middle of a horribly cold snap and she was shivering and hardly moving around. We moved her into the basement where we could give her extra calcium, protein and would be more successful with her doses. We kept her in the basement until the weather warmed up and then sent her back out with the flock (12 chicken hens, a rooster and a red hen turkey who have a coop in my horse barn). She is majorly improved but still not all better. It seems like she would be ok if she could just blow her nose once. I can see dried stuff stuck up in her nostrils. That all being said, its been over a week since she has been off the Tylan and back outside. Should I give her another round of antibiotics or is there something else I am missing? Also, we have been throwing away her eggs, how long until after she has been off the antibiotic can we start eating them again? Sorry for the long post and thank you in advanced for your help.
Some respiratory colds, at least in chickens, never really go away. I would wait to give her antibiotics until you really need to so they are more effective in the future, unless you think their is a chance of wiping this cold out completely.
Not sure about when you can eat the eggs though sorry maybe someone else will know more about that.
Some respiratory colds, at least in chickens, never really go away. I would wait to give her antibiotics until you really need to so they are more effective in the future, unless you think their is a chance of wiping this cold out completely.
Not sure about when you can eat the eggs though sorry maybe someone else will know more about that.

Ok, Thank you so much! I was just so worried about her when she got worse. I really didn’t think she was going to make it. The rest of the flock seems to be ok luckily.
They can get more than have more than one bacteria when they get a respiratory infection, the Tylan could have treated one, but not the other(s). Can you take her to a vet? A vet could swab her snot and prescribe a more effective drug.

If she were mine I would start her on Baytril, but Baytril is banned for use in poultry, so that is something you should research thoroughly before doing.
They can get more than have more than one bacteria when they get a respiratory infection, the Tylan could have treated one, but not the other(s). Can you take her to a vet? A vet could swab her snot and prescribe a more effective drug.

If she were mine I would start her on Baytril, but Baytril is banned for use in poultry, so that is something you should research thoroughly before doing.

The closest Vet that takes birds is an hour away. I was trying to avoid the trip if possible. I’ll do my research on Baytril. Thank you.
I know vets are expensive, and a two-hour roundtrip drive is a pain in the butt, but these types of infections can settle into their lungs and kill them quickly, so please do keep that in mind.
I know vets are expensive, and a two-hour roundtrip drive is a pain in the butt, but these types of infections can settle into their lungs and kill them quickly, so please do keep that in mind.

Thank you, truly. I will keep that in mind. Why is Baytril banned for birds? We do eat her eggs (well we did before putting her on antibiotics)

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