Sick year old chicken, what to do.


8 Years
Jul 7, 2011
I am a very beginner chicken owner. I have two year old red star chickens, down from four a couple of months ago. Two were killed by hawks so we covered their (big) run and that saved the other two. While both had been laying eggs nicely, after the attack, one started laying sporadically and then stopped laying. She seemed healthy, running around, eating and vocalizing well. Just didn't lay any eggs. I couldn't feel any lumps anywhere, she was pooping well so I just thought it was trauma and would resolve. Over this last few days, escalating yesterday she was moving slowly, tail down, acting as if she was having trouble staying awake. She feels like skin and bones. She looks fluffed up but there is no puffiness, it is all feathers. She was drinking water and then just standing there. I gave her yogurt which she enjoyed. This am it is clear she didn't roost, but lay under the roost. She won't move and her eyes are closed most of the time.. Her poop was watery but dark and white colors visible with two little rocks in it <??>. I feel so sorry for her but have no ideas. I went through a lot of the threads and nothing jumps out at me for why she is sick Any suggestions? Thank you so much.
Is her whole belly swollen and hard?

Could she be eggbound? Have you checked with a finger up the vent?
I had checked for eggs internally about a month ago and there was nothing, there continues to be nothing there. I cannot feel that her stomach is swollen, all I feel is feathers and bones.
mine do that too sometimes! sent away samples to test centre and awaiting reply ! may be able to give some info in a couple of weeks
my girls were put on antibiotics for a week then vitimins in there water for a week. and with treets of fresh veg and some fruit they perked up a treat. even had a couple of double yolkers... worth getting stool samples checked through your local vet.

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