Sick young hen, not sure what's wrong


6 Years
Aug 10, 2017
Northern Wisconsin
I have a black austrolorp, a year old, that has suddenly become sick within the last 3 days. My chickens have been pooping blood recently (not sure if it's all of them or just a few) and some have been acting sick, but not to the extent of the austrolorp. I have treated them with Corid liquid about 3 weeks ago and it did nothing to help the bloody poop, so I just started worming them with Safe Guard goat dewormer 2 days ago and have yet to see any results. I have checked for lice or mites and found none. She is barely eating or drinking and just stands around all day, puffed up eyes closed. Just a week ago she was laying eggs, acting very healthy with a large red comb. What could have caused her to go downhill so fast? Is there anything I should do? I havn't separated her from the rest of the flock in order to not stress her out more. She also is near the top of the pecking order so she does not get picked on, so I thought it unnecessary to put her in the garage. She does not seem to have a respiratory problem as she is breathing just fine, and there are no external wounds. If I carry on with the worming (I plan to do it for 5 days) do you think she will get better? Any help is much appreciated!
I have a black austrolorp, a year old, that has suddenly become sick within the last 3 days. My chickens have been pooping blood recently (not sure if it's all of them or just a few) and some have been acting sick, but not to the extent of the austrolorp. I have treated them with Corid liquid about 3 weeks ago and it did nothing to help the bloody poop, so I just started worming them with Safe Guard goat dewormer 2 days ago and have yet to see any results. I have checked for lice or mites and found none. She is barely eating or drinking and just stands around all day, puffed up eyes closed. Just a week ago she was laying eggs, acting very healthy with a large red comb. What could have caused her to go downhill so fast? Is there anything I should do? I havn't separated her from the rest of the flock in order to not stress her out more. She also is near the top of the pecking order so she does not get picked on, so I thought it unnecessary to put her in the garage. She does not seem to have a respiratory problem as she is breathing just fine, and there are no external wounds. If I carry on with the worming (I plan to do it for 5 days) do you think she will get better? Any help is much appreciated!
Same bird as this other thread you have?

There is no way to be able to tell you if you finish out the 5 days of de-worming whether she will get any better or not. All you can do if finish treatment and see what happens.

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