Sickly duck at local produce store...

I think it's like an antibacterial dip/bath - it comes in a crystallised form that you dissolve with distilled water to make a solution that you then dip the fish (or, bird feet, in this case) in. I would think that surely there must be some equivalent of it here, but neither of the places I asked at could help me at all - they'd never heard of the product and couldn't offer me an alternative product...and these were places that specialise in fish. :hmm I have no idea why something that so many people have been talking about as a reliable treatment in America seems to be unheard of in Australia. :/ One of our chickens is the first for a vet treatment though, we have to do it in stages and she was the worst - she actually has a scab formed, so when I take her in tomorrow, I'll talk to the vet about what we can do for Whistles while he waits for his appointment.

You know you might be able to find something like that in the human foot care section of your local pharmacy.
I think it's like an antibacterial dip/bath - it comes in a crystallised form that you dissolve with distilled water to make a solution that you then dip the fish (or, bird feet, in this case) in. I would think that surely there must be some equivalent of it here, but neither of the places I asked at could help me at all - they'd never heard of the product and couldn't offer me an alternative product...and these were places that specialise in fish. :hmm I have no idea why something that so many people have been talking about as a reliable treatment in America seems to be unheard of in Australia.
One of our chickens is the first for a vet treatment though, we have to do it in stages and she was the worst - she actually has a scab formed, so when I take her in tomorrow, I'll talk to the vet about what we can do for Whistles while he waits for his appointment.
When healing on humans (I can't really talk about chickens) soaking in a warm sea salt (not iodized table salt, sea salt) and distilled water helps speed up healing, and can help with infections. This is what they say to use on piercings (essentially puncture wounds. covering them in any sort of ointment can cause bacteria to breed underneath, in the wound).
When healing on humans (I can't really talk about chickens) soaking in a warm sea salt (not iodized table salt, sea salt) and distilled water helps speed up healing, and can help with infections. This is what they say to use on piercings (essentially puncture wounds. covering them in any sort of ointment can cause bacteria to breed underneath, in the wound). 
we often recommend Epsom salt soaks for light cases of bumble foot. Good call!

Sampy, do they sell vetericyn there? It sounds similar to your tricideneo, except you don't have to dissolve anything.
I'm not sure, I didn't even get a chance to ask the vet when we took our worst hen in because he was flat out busy (he's also a wildlife vet and he'd had several emergency native animals rushed in). I had to leave her there in the morning and then come back after my class and he came running out with two vet nurses, all dripping sweat and we had our 'consult' very quickly out in the reception. He said that our worst hen was about a a level two approaching level three, as they graded cases of bumblefoot in five levels so I don't think Whistles would have even qualified as a level one - our hen actually had a scab on the bottom of one of her feet and was beginning to limp slightly, we were given a general antibiotic called 'Amoxyclav' for her as he wanted to try fixing her without resorting to surgery - which he think will work. Just giving all of that information I guess because it backs up what you all are saying in that Whistles really has just a very mild case in comparison. So I'll definitely take you advices into consideration and go hunting for some Epsom salts or vetericyn! Although I'm not sure if they sell vetericyn as I haven't heard of it before and it hadn't been offered by the pet store, so I may have to ask for it specifically. We seem to be going through an animal crisis at the moment, we've got four animals playing up now for three different reasons.
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I'm not sure, I didn't even get a chance to ask the vet when we took our worst hen in because he was flat out busy (he's also a wildlife vet and he'd had several emergency native animals rushed in). I had to leave her there in the morning and then come back after my class and he came running out with two vet nurses, all dripping sweat and we had our 'consult' very quickly out in the reception. He said that our worst hen was about a a level two approaching level three, as they graded cases of bumblefoot in five levels so I don't think Whistles would have even qualified as a level one - our hen actually had a scab on the bottom of one of her feet and was beginning to limp slightly, we were given a general antibiotic called 'Amoxyclav' for her as he wanted to try fixing her without resorting to surgery - which he think will work. Just giving all of that information I guess because it backs up what you all are saying in that Whistles really has just a very mild case in comparison. So I'll definitely take you advices into consideration and go hunting for some Epsom salts or vetericyn! Although I'm not sure if they sell vetericyn as I haven't heard of it before and it hadn't been offered by the pet store, so I may have to ask for it specifically. We seem to be going through an animal crisis at the moment, we've got four animals playing up now for three different reasons.
I had a hen[chicken] with bumble foot on both feet, and I read on here about soaking the feet with ES then using Colorless iodine on the bumbles, so I started doing this I'd soak her feet ,dry them and apply the Colorless iodine top and bottom and wait a couple and do it again after 4th use I was able to get all the bumble out and so far it hasn't reappeared. I kept her in the house while doing this and wrapped her feet to keep them clean, she had an awful case of it. I did not have to cut the iodine draws the bumble to the surface and I used a sterile tweezers to pull out the plug.
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Hi Sampy, how about something like Amazon. I was just on there a few weeks ago looking at all these vet needs (thinking about ordering them preemptively, but still haven't). For example, I can order veterycin on Amazon.
Hi Sampy, how about something like Amazon. I was just on there a few weeks ago looking at all these vet needs (thinking about ordering them preemptively, but still haven't). For example, I can order veterycin on Amazon.
Tractor Supply carries it Tracy and as far as I can see has the best price, I k now this own't help Sampy but it will anyone living in the USA. if you have found it cheaper let us know.
I had a hen[chicken] with bumble foot on both feet, and I read on here about soaking the feet with ES then using Colorless iodine on the bumbles, so I started doing this I'd soak her feet ,dry them and apply the Colorless iodine top and bottom and wait a couple and do it again after 4th use I was able to get all the bumble out and so far it hasn't reappeared. I kept her in the house while doing this and wrapped her feet to keep them clean, she had an awful case of it. I did not have to cut the iodine draws the bumble to the surface and I used a sterile tweezers to pull out the plug. 

I'll definitely keep this in mind for our hen, she's on antibiotics right now and also has her foot wrapped. :) Thanks! The red on Whistles feet has disappeared too, but we haven't been letting him walk on anything hard besides the ground around the coop, he gets carried everywhere else he's allowed to go and his section of the coop/run has been padded with wood shavings and then a three towel layer everywhere on top of that.

But anyway - latest picture of Whistles, he really loves perching on the side of his pool!


Going to have to cut them some perches when we moves. Two days, 11 hours! He also mounted my boyfriend this morning, thought that was hilarious when he told me. Another four days until we pick up Whistles some female company though. :)


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