*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

ya, I am seeing one right now
not sure how far this is going to go
so it is not official yet

she is ok
Off to bed... I burned the last batch of gingersnaps and I forgot to add the last 1.5 cups flour. Flat, black disks... now the whole house smells like burnt molasses, time for bed...
Sheesh. I already wear ankle-length skirts most of the time because I love the style. And as previously stated, I am going to hug Gabe and hold his hand, regardless of whether I have a permission slip or not. I just wanted to know what my BYC family thought of my best friend
Tani, she is/has always been my BEST friend--yep, it's important.

Wow, I'm impressed. You guys were VERY busy last night.
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