*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

Wow, get the Mini settled down and in bed (finally), jump on here to have some fun and there is no one here!!!
You can tell she's back in school...she is catching EVERYTHING!!!
Ah, yes. School days, school days,
Catching colds and flu days.
Sneezing and coughing and sick, sick, sick.
My stomach hurts and I feel just "ick".

Both of my kids were home with a cold last week. Neither of them were really awful, but when DS has a sore/scratchy throat his stomach has to get in on the act, and he needs to sip liquids almost constantly to keep it under control. Since the school won't even let the kids have a bottle of water in the classrooms, he needs to be at home until things settle down. DD had a couple of nosebleeds this time, so I kept her out longer than I liked just to make sure she was past that, too. And since we're self-insured with a whopping great deductible, I'm not dropping a hundred bucks at the doctor's office just to get excuses that say, "These kids have colds." Fortunately, they are catching fewer of these things than they were.
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Yeesh. I finally caught up, and looks like y'all had a blast without me.
(Erner says why shouldn't you have a blast without me? I'm obnoxious and disliked.
-1776 reference, for those who don't get it.) Mr. Adams, leave me aloooooooooooooooooone!!

Good morning, folks.
Quote: Well, boys, usually being the stronger bunch, should protect girls, usually being the weaker bunch. And you're right, nobody should punch anybody.

However, I haven't yet found a boy who thinks he's tough enough to go after me. My mentally ill sister, maybe, but not a single normal boy. Not sure why...
I vote that we take issue with anybody who would hurt anybody, but that's the feminist in me talking.
(For no good reason, anyway. Self-defense is fine and dandy.
I started to say something along those lines last night, but I figured I'd done enough preachin' for one day (I'm a PK, so that kind of thing comes natural).

And Tani, boys usually fight with their fists, girls usually do it with words. My older brother used to pick on my younger brother all the time, until finally I got to the point where I couldn't stand to watch it any longer. Big Brother would start on Little Brother, and I'd deliberately redirect Big Brother to me. I could argue rings around Big Brother, and he'd finally get so frustrated he'd hit me. That wasn't allowed, of course, so Big Brother would get sent to his room. I'm tough enough to take a lick or two in a good cause.
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Never slap your girlfriend at a party... I have seen many guys get the crap beat out of them at parties for hitting their girlfriend while arguing, just plain dumb, dumb, dumb.

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