*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

I have no problem with that.
My only question is, does Doodle like playing with people who have their feet in their mouths all the time?
I have no problem with that.
My only question is, does Doodle like playing with people who have their feet in their mouths all the time?
Weeeellllll....I seem to blow a lot of raspberries on Maddison's feet...does that count? Now an adults feet??? Uhh...no way!! And Maddison does like to put her feet in her mouth. But I wash them alot.... ( a little back-info would be in order here I believe.... Maddison is 3, almost 4 months old...she's my granddaughter....and I have succeeded in spoiling her rotten..mwwwhhhhahhhahaaahhhah!!!)

Poor JD.....Would you like some Salsa to go with your foot?
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