*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

Bunny, sorry to hear about the loss of the little ones!

Thanks for the sympathy, guys.
When you are a breeder, losses come with the territory, but that many at once is disheartening. Of course, the next time I breed these girls (5, so far) they'll have big litters and do everything right! "How can we drive her crazy today?!"

Actually got to go outside today and play with the kids, and sit on the porch! Back to freezing temps tonight
Hooray for time outside! The light is at the end of the tunnel! Of course, around here, that light can seem like the train, coming right at you, because one of the first events on the Spring calender is Pollen Season. AH-CHOO!
Young does with first litters? With my dogs, I always worry excessively over their first litter - with dogs it can set the pattern for future whelpings. With dogs for sure, b*tches that are easy whelpers, good milkers and mothers generally produce daughters with the same traits. Better luck next round.
Young does with first litters?
Mostly. One, I didn't give a nest box, because I didn't think she was pregnant.

One, an experienced doe that I should have moved into the house, and didn't.

Great, now I have a headache.

And what are the odds of this? Forecast for rain today - got that. Barely sprinkling when I took the kids to school, checked the radar picture, nothing more than light rain showing up, so I took a light jacket, left the raincoat at home. Get over to the horse farm, and the bottom fell out. I was there for less than an hour, and almost an inch of rain fell during that time. I stayed in the barn as much as I could, but the horses made me do quite a bit of hiking around in the pasture - so guess who came home soaked to the skin and smelling like a wet horse? Oh, well, could be worse - soaked at 65 degrees isn't half as bad as getting half drowned at 45. Still overcast (yawn) but the rain is pretty much outta here now.
Yeah, I did the 'walk in the rain' trick this AM also. Went to the beagle club during llight drizle to fill rabbit feeders and exercse a couple of old b*tches - rather foolishly I stayed there through some pretty heavy rain, and it sure isn't 65 degrees here. MUD and BACKACHES.

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