*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

Who could hate our
Queen Em?
... If it would make you feel any better, I could send you each a few "I hate you" PMs. There would be no reason why, but I'd send them anyway.

My little brothers best friend is Sparkling at me. :th I'm hiding in my room with season 5 of doctor who until he leaves. :oops:
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... If it would make you feel any better, I could send you each a few "I hate you" PMs. There would be no reason why, but I'd send them anyway.

Isn't that thoughtful of Tani. But for some reason, "practice random acts of hatefulness" doesn't sound like something you'd hear recommended very often.
Well, we have sad news..Dakota just went out to the chicken run and found Shy Girl laying on her back, dead. She hadn't been dead long as she was still warm when I got to her. No idea why she died. Dakota is devastated. Shy Girl was her favorite.

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