*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

I have an old dog, Sheri, who has suffered from autoimmune disorders for the past 4 or 5 years. I patch her together with thyroid meds, Rimadyl, and antibiotic and normal eye drops. I worry sometimes that I am doing this for myself and not for her, but she still seems to enjoy life and an occasional training session. She's a little senile, but we get along.
In some instances even anticipated loss is hard for this old guy to deal with. All that I can say is that both of us survived another winter.
Seriously. And the ones that you frankly wouldn't mourn for a minute just keep going, and going, and . . . .

Hmm, this can be applied to people too. Something that I have never been able to wrap my sensibilities around is 'bad things happening to good people' while some "rats" travel through life apparently unscathed.
Seriously. And the ones that you frankly wouldn't mourn for a minute just keep going, and going, and . . . .
Hmm, this can be applied to people too. Something that I have never been able to wrap my sensibilities around is 'bad things happening to good people' while some "rats" travel through life apparently unscathed. :rant
Well now, that ain't exactly true. Remember the parable of Dives and Lazarus? Yes, the nasty Dives had fortune and comfort in this life... But only because he would have torment and pain in the next. It all evens out in the end. That said, OD3, I'm so sorry. :hugs :hugs :hugs
Well now, that ain't exactly true. Remember the parable of Dives and Lazarus? Yes, the nasty Dives had fortune and comfort in this life... But only because he would have torment and pain in the next. It all evens out in the end.

That said, OD3, I'm so sorry.
I'm not entirely sure that goes for chickens though.

Sorry about your hen Doodle.
Thanks guys. I think it really hit Dakota hard because the tiny chick, Baby, died and then she went out and found Shy Girl dead. She cries herself to sleep. I told her they are in a better place. And the other chicks need her help.

I have GOT to get the 4 week olds out of the house. They won't let me sleep!! I'm hoping it will be nice this weekend and I can put them in the temp coop so the others can get used to them. The 2 week old bantams are just as tiny as ever. Dakota has them all spoiled.
Thing 1 likes to sit on her head and go to sleep. It amazes me how she has really taken over the chicks. She feeds them and waters them without me telling her to.

Well, I have to go to bed. I hope everyone has a great day. Thanks for the kind words. I needed them today.

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