*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

He lives in Georgia, so I haven't even met him yet! We've talked a bit, we're still in the awkward phase. What exactly does one say to one's betrothed?

Yebob, his mom advertised him on a Facebook group for Catholic moms to which my mother also belongs. His mom is stalking my blog right now... Kind of scary. There's some weird stuff back in there.
Y'all have some weird customs out your way. Facebooking, blog stalking and trading daughters for camels.
And I thought people were strange here in Pennsylvania.

So is he going to be visiting you in the dungeon, or is Em allowing you out on good (sorta) behavior?
He lives in Georgia, so I haven't even met him yet! We've talked a bit, we're still in the awkward phase. What exactly does one say to one's betrothed? :p

Yebob, his mom advertised him on a Facebook group for Catholic moms to which my mother also belongs. His mom is stalking my blog right now... Kind of scary. There's some weird stuff back in there. :oops:

Y'all have some weird customs out your way. Facebooking, blog stalking and trading daughters for camels. :p    And I thought people were strange here in Pennsylvania.

So is he going to be visiting you in the dungeon, or is Em allowing you out on good (sorta) behavior?

Hey, now, the camel bit goes back to ancient times when the groom paid a bride-price of some useful things like cloth or money or beasts of burden. Camels were treasures in ye olden days in the Middle East. Seeing how awesome I am, I am worth lots of camels. :D
I'm out of the dungeon. They let me out for Christmas and, well, I just forgot to go back in. I'm enjoying the sunshine and sweet air of freedom, or as much as I can get through my bucket. :weee
It's raining. My frog tadpoles have already morphed into mini frogs, but my toad tadpoles have been threatened by shrinking/evaporating puddles. This rain will save them (and me) - I've been replenishing the water in their pools daily. Perhaps I am a little eccentric. bluesub, why do toads breed/spawn so much later than frogs? If anyone can answer this, I am betting on you.


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