*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

Who have you been talking to?
My mother made a really excellent friutcake once and it was by accident. The recipe called for among other things, a cup of orange juice and a quarter cup of brandy. My mother misread it and put in a quarter cup of orange juice and a cup of brandy. The brandy cut the sweetness or something. Anyway, the fruitcake was really good.

maybe that is where
lady went
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*whew* I was afraid I was going crazy for a moment, there. You can see me, right?

Y'see, it's this invisibility thing that I do - it's gotten glitchy. Sometimes I fade out, or in, without meaning to - sort of a goof poof, or something. No sound, nothing - just Poof! Well, no poof, but I'm not there, and don't even know it.

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