*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

I see we are calling an emergency meeting. Must put this "Skipping school" on the docket as well.

I think Eenie is out of control. She's in love with a Vulcan who is a chicken and she is skipping school now....I also doubt she is wearing her bucket. Unacceptable behavior.

maybe their school hasnt started yet?
I see we are calling an emergency meeting. Must put this "Skipping school" on the docket as well.

I think Eenie is out of control. She's in love with a Vulcan who is a chicken and she is skipping school now....I also doubt she is wearing her bucket. Unacceptable behavior.

maybe their school hasnt started yet?

Don't try to make excuses for them Kid. The girls are out of control! They should always be in school.
What's with this Vulcan person of Eenie's?

Can we demand his presence before the Council?
Do we have that much power?

And yes...when these homeschoolers skip, they just
hide in their bedroom, refuse to come out.
Of course we have that much power. I AM THE QUEEN! I can do anything. I can can't I? They wouldn't want to hurt my precious psyche by not obeyng my every whim would they? In my fragile condition, they wouldn't want to do that....of course not.
maybe their school hasnt started yet?

Don't try to make excuses for them Kid. The girls are out of control! They should always be in school.

my school starts wensday. Or are you saying that they ALWAYS should be in school?
I read ALL your posts Spook. Kinda creepy isn't it?

Kid, why aren't you already in school? Slacker.

Because thekid take smart classes, he no need school till wensday thekid make honor roll all last year
Kid...you need to stand on the curb now and wait on the
little yellow bus. No school till Wenesday? Go stand on the
curb and practice anyway.

Honor Roll? LOL...you couldn't make a donut roll.

Or are you one of those Homeschooled we've read about?

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