*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

Well, I've been admitted to the hospital. Who wants to come bust me outta here?

I would...... but I am scared of cops
Well, let's see . . . . .

Hmm. 85o and thunderstorming. Sound like summer to you?


Nah, can't be. Those gray clouds in the sky are almost obscured behind the yellow clouds of pine pollen here at ground level. Nope - it's Spring.


*sniff, sniff*
New companion for the next few months. This pump continuously pumps medicine directly through a line and into my stomach. It's great fun. (No, it sucks.) it isn't helping a bit so far, and the home health nurse sent me directly to the ER when she saw me. These people are starting to give me a complex.

New companion for the next few months. This pump continuously pumps medicine directly through a line and into my stomach. It's great fun. (No, it sucks.) it isn't helping a bit so far, and the home health nurse sent me directly to the ER when she saw me. These people are starting to give me a complex.

Well THAT is a lovely bit of insanity...

hook you up to some crazy device that is horrid on many fronts AND does NOT help!


Smack something with a hammer! that should help!

(OK, don't smack yourself, and you probably shouldn't smack the health care people...... dunno, I guess you could smack a nice friendly tree
see what that does... maybe it will cause the snow to stop)
April 16th is the trip. I'm still not sure I'll get to go. I have to check in with a nurse every morning, with weight, testing urine for ketones, and a bunch of other nonsense. As of 4:30 am, almost a full syringe of medicine in, and it's not working at all. Next step is a PICC line. It won't be medicine, just IV fluids, but IV fluids actually help.
This far, 9 weeks in, and about 30 thousand dollars is what the insurance has paid so far. I've had to go to the ER for fluids 4 times, been admitted once, and home health bugs me daily...only 9 weeks in. Really not looking forward to whatever comes next.

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