*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

Home health costs a little over 500.00 a day, just in case you guys ever think you might need it. Have good insurance. I thank God we do, or I'd be in major trouble.

They found a blood clot behind the placenta, so I'm now in bed rest, and Terry is barred from any activity that might have gotten me into this mess in the first place. I am really starting to get nervous every time I see a doctor or nurse...
I honestly have no idea the *total cost*. That figure is just home health and hospital costs. I don't have any idea what the weekly sometimes twice weekly doctor visits and ultrasounds are costing.
are you temped to cover yourself in body paint before the next exam?

maybe funny quotes?

What? I vote that we all body paint Alaskan.

I got painted at my bachelor party.
Sour, have fun putting body paint on Alaskan - you'll have to count me out on that one. I get anywhere near paint and it seems to get all over me . . . Do you have any idea how hard it is to get that stuff out of fur?

Glitter, now - I like glitter. Just can't resist that sparkly stuff.

Hey, there's an idea - you paint, and while the paint is still wet, I'll toss some glitter on it!

But really, I know
Queen Em is royalty an' all that, but where is it written that everything therefore must be a royal pain? If a pregnancy can't be "uneventful," why can't the "events" at least be normal things, like tripping over a rollerblading 6-year-old and chipping a kneecap?

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