*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

you don't want to use the grill as a flower planter???

Oh wait, that is right..... your place is CLEAN and NEAT.....

Not entirely 'CLEAN and NEAT'.
you don't want to use the grill as a flower planter???

Oh wait, that is right..... your place is CLEAN and NEAT.....
Ooh - I've got the perfect plant for it, too - Celosia "Apricot Brandy."

I have "repurposed" a few things over the years.

When we were in the process of moving here, there was one point when I thought I might have to repurpose a front-loader. It broke down while the guy Critter had hired was clearing the lot; then the guy broke down and spent some time in the hospital. It sat here for several months, with the big bucket on the front in a raised, horizontal position - I considered using it as a planter (it was eventually repaired and left under its own power.)
Celosia in any form hates me. So do petunias. I can grow both in planters on the deck or porch, but in the 'clay' they fail to thrive. Could it be the clay?
And while I am complaining the 'fancy' Breck daffodils that I bought are a disappointment .
Celosia in any form hates me. So do petunias. I can grow both in planters on the deck or porch, but in the 'clay' they fail to thrive. Could it be the clay?
And while I am complaining the 'fancy' Breck daffodils that I bought are a disappointment .
It could be both ph level and clay. They do not like to be too wet and need drainage along with lots of organic matter. Is that like the banana peal we are suppose to bury next to our rose bush?

PH is 6 to 6.5.
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Celosia in any form hates me. So do petunias. I can grow both in planters on the deck or porch, but in the 'clay' they fail to thrive. Could it be the clay?
And while I am complaining the 'fancy' Breck daffodils that I bought are a disappointment .
I've decided that when it comes to daffs, you really have to see them in person to know what you are getting. I have some "pink" daffodils that are just slightly more than "not white" in color. I have some with very large blooms that can only be "Fortissimo," but the trumpet is orange, not red. And the only double daff that I've seen that doesn't look like a jumbled up mess is "Ice King." a sport of super-popular "Ice Follies." On the other hand, I have some cute little members of the narcissus clan whose names I have never known that put on a nice show every year. Of course, this year, the only ones that didn't get beat into the dirt by some unseasonably hard rain were the dwarf variety Tete a Tete.
I bought a 50 bulb 'pink' collection several years ago that is great. I bought a red trumpet yellow like you describe that is slightly orange at best. Also bought five fancy varieties - 5 bulbs each. Great big bulbs that have produced minimal growth and stunted flowers. You are right - nothing like the catalog.
Terry wanted to put a toilet in our yard with flowers in it. I forbid it.

I am basically ok. I am really really sick, but I will live. I'm sure the doctor will lecture me and probably admit me on Monday, but I plan on telling her I wouldn't feel this bad if I had a PICC line in.

My kid had a blast. I had a blast watching her have fun. It was worth every minute I felt like hell and thought how stupid it was to go. And it was stupid. But sometimes in life, being stupid is the right answer.
to stupidity!

as to the color of daffodils and tulips and lilies... the silly things have different colors depending on the type of soil and the temps... not at frighteningly impressive color changes like a hydrangea, but they can easily go from pink to yellow

I met my goal. I'm pretty sure I'm dying now, but I kept my promise to my baby girl. Now in a week or so, somebody please remind me how stupid I am when I want to do something like this again?
So glad you made it...now..no more promises that can make you feel like you are dieing! None!

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