*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

yeah, asking someone you just met, if you could please cover her with glitter covered green frogs..... just can't go over well

(if it did go over well, then maybe you should be scared)
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Well not admitted to the hospital, but I am getting my PICC this week. Down 26 pounds since I got sick.


uh, I mean BOOO!


the PICC will make you feel lots better though, right?

And just WHY oh
Queen did know not cover yourself with glittery green frogs before the nurse checked you out???
The PICC will allow me to recieve fluids and IV nutrition. They'll basically feed me through that to avoid my organs failing, like they did with Lillian. My whole liver issue? That was caused by my last pregnancy. So, they are trying to be proactive. This hit me at 12-13 weeks with Lillian. This time, it reared its head at 6 weeks. With Lily I averaged a 3-5 pound loss a week. This time, it's been averaging at 7. One week I maintained. No gain, no loss. But, that was the week I was in the hospital hooked to an IV. The problem is, each pregnancy tends to be worse, and since mine with Lily was already on the worst end of the spectrum, we are looking at a very dangerous next 7 months. This is something they can't treat directly, only manage the symptoms of, and half the medications that are deemed incredibly effective, I either can not take, or they have no effect. I am taking the new one now, Diclegis. That takes the edge off the nausea, but doesn't seem to be doing much else. I am taking double the regular dose, so I am sleeping most of the time. The PICC is my hope. The thing is, and no one can explain why, but when I am getting IV fluids, in that moment and 1-2 hours after I am unhooked, I feel pretty good. I can eat, drink, and I feel fine. So it is my hope that this PICC will be some relief, even if it's just a few hours here and there. The TPN (IV food) will keep me from losing too much weight and hopefully keep my organs from shutting down this time. MFB is scared to death. I guess it's easier on me since I've done it once before. I know what to expect, and it isn't as scary. For most women it stops at around 20 weeks. With Lily it lasted the entire 9 months. The general consensus is that it will last the same. I went straight to a hyperemesis specialist, even before I was sick, so I am confident in my care. The only true cure is terminating the pregnancy, and it is not an option. I've made it absolutely clear, my baby first, then myself. So all decisions are being made with that in mind. It's why some of the more effective medications are off the table. If it's not deemed completely safe for the baby, I won't take it. The others, well, they just don't work. One of them I have an adverse reaction to. Anyway, I didn't mean to write a book. I'll blame my endless droning on the medicine.

As for painting myself green, trust me, I look pretty green already.
6 weeks? 7 weeks? A few days, either way.
I'm sure it's all kind of a blur at the moment.

Em, I sure hope the PICC works out. As I'm sure the medical professionals have explained to you, those things have issues of their own, which will add to the list of things that will need to be monitored. But that's the fun of obstetrics - two patients, not just one; finding treatment options that meet the needs of both sometimes takes pretty creative thinking. Praying for you all, as always . . . .
Well oh
dear queen Em, at least you can say that the pregnancies are exciting! And two hours for eating and drinking, is actually quite doable (not lovely.. but perhaps workable)

come and write sonnets to help distract your royal marvelous self from the drudgery of sickliness.

If you sing all of the songs from Phantom of the Opera then
lady will turn into your lap rabbit for life!
Oh I'm aware of the PICC issues. I had one with Lillian. The only difference this time is, I'm being realistic and not trying to work. I wanted to keep running the pet store, but Terry put a stop to that a little over a month ago and the doctor stuck me on bedrest. (Like I feel like doing much anyway.)
The PICC is scary, and everyone is all worried about infection and such. I'm just looking forward to those few hours of relief. I can flush it myself, a nurse will come out and check me and it once a week, and I'm at an advantage because I have a ARNP as my good friend/business partner. She married Terry and I. She's family basically, and she has and will continue keeping a close eye on me. I'm really looking forward to it. That's hilarious, because a few short months ago I'd have told you how much I hated having one...but i am really looking forward to those hours of relief.

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