*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

My old doctor wasn't a specialist by any means. I was actually his first case of HG. But, he consulted with specialists and learned and was very careful. This doctor, I don't know if she just doesn't know what to do at this point or what, but I don't feel she is being cautious enough. Obviously, as I've been hospitalized for a blood infection that the Infectious disease doctor said I had had a "very long time". I'd been seeing this doctor once a week with multiple blood tests...why didn't they pick up on it?
The halls are dusty, the moats are a mess, and the lawn and gardens need grooming. The Kingdom is in disarray.
Dust in the Great Halls, spider webs from the ceilings, the echoing of loneliness -

NAG, NAG, NAG! Can't a Bunny get a little time out for a case of the snuffles without getting deluged by complaints? I'll get to it, I'll get to it (hack, wheeze, sniff!)

And oh, yeah - the moats are not my responsibility. Got more on my paws than I can handle even on my good days as it is . . . .

It sounds as if a visit to Georgia is very much in order. Either that or contact between your present doctor and the Ga OBGYN.
Y'know, I've seen a picture of an old map that had the known territory drawn in, and nothing at all on one side, other than the note, "beyond this point, there be dragons."

Em, honey, I know this has got to be incredibly frustrating for you. But I think you should remember that, though nausea and vomiting are experienced by most pregnant women, most can hold it together enough to at least maintain weight and hydration. Those that can't are a very small minority. And of those, cases that are as unrelenting and unresponsive to treatment as yours are rarer still. I'm thinking that for probably 99% of OB/GYN's, you are in dragon territory. I'd even be willing to bet that most of those who have seen cases as bad as yours can probably count them on one hand.

As I recall, you live a little bit south of Orlando, so anywhere in Georgia is going to mean a car ride of several hours for you - something that gets frowned upon for women with "normal"pregnancies. Because your condition gives you a much higher risk than normal for blood clots, I'd think most would consider it a high risk proposition. While I agree that consultation and conferencing seem called for, I'm not sure whether the benefits would outweigh the risks when it comes to actually seeing your previous OB face-to-face.

I don't know what the infectious disease doc saw going on, or even what he meant by "a very long time." Urinary tract infections can be sleepers, or they can blow up in a matter of hours. Everybody would be aware of the risks with that PICC line in place, so the possibility of infection stemming from it would never be far from anyone's mind and they should have been monitoring specifically for it. I cannot imagine how they could have missed it, frankly.

At a time fraught with so many fears and uncertainties anyway, it really stinks to feel that you can't trust your doctor.

Prayin' for ya!
@EmtheFishLady you need a different doctor....

It is still bugging me.

Unfortunately, my dad just has never spent any time over in the northern part of Florida... so I asked, but he doesn't know anyone over there.
Central Florida.

I know I can't make the trip. It's just more wishful thinking than anything. I cant even stomach a trip to the grocery store.

As far as my doctor, I like her. I do. I just don't like how I'm being managed. The infection should have been caught. It wasn't from the PICC, but even a UTI they should have seen. I'm on my third PICC line. Third. The first one was inserted and wasn't what she ordered, because her orders weren't clear. The second they insisted was infected, (results show it wasn't,). Now I'm not getting over the infection, and they just keep shoving meds at me. I think she just needs someone who has had more experience to guide her? I think we need someone who is more cautious and pays a little more attention, especially considering I went into Liver failure with Lillian, and I am having a much harder time this time.

On the other hand, I'm actually more worried about MFB and how he's handling it. It's been rough on us all, but he has had to take over all mom duties, on top of his own duties, and is also playing nurse.
He's exhausted both physically and emotionally. The poor guy. Every time we think we are getting to a point where we can relax, another health problem hits me. It will be this way until November, and probably to a lesser degree for a few months afterward as I recover. This last hospital stay really jarred him, because the doctors swarmed in there and wouldn't let him in the room. Then they called a "septic alert" and he really freaked. It's an exhausting emotional roller coaster.
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Oh dear. What a roller coaster, mostly going downward from the sounds of it. Still praying for you. Glad you have a great MFB there for you. You are blessed to have that at least. I am worried about all of those meds for the baby! What are they saying about that? :/
well uh... bad word or something.

I tried, I tried... but as my mom said "your dad is too old, he doesn't know people like he used to"


Anyway... I crashed and burned.... I didn't get any good info for you.

I still think calling around to see if there is anyone there local, or local-ish that has more experience would be good........

but -sigh-

life is what it is.

On a happy note, the flooding in Texas did not sweep away any person or place that is near and dear to me (but I am sure it washed away a number of deer... and it was pretty awful actually.)

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