*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

Yup, a boy. Terry has been walking around beaming from ear to ear. I'm just praying he doesn't like to test boundaries as much as Connor does, because it's a constant battle here.

I felt a little better last night. Even was able to go downstairs and sit with everyone for awhile. It's funny and sad when you realize that climbing stairs is your biggest obstacle of the day. Got a little sick last night before bed, but overall I think I did ok. I just had my dose of antibiotics today, so laying here hoping I have an even better day today. I've been praying, because I honestly am at the end of my rope with this. HG is horrible, but it is nothing like the misery of adding the infections on top of it. Something has to give.

Sorry about the pulled muscle Bunny. If you were here I'd give ya a pain pill. For some reason the doctor sent me home with some, and I am not in any pain, so they're just sitting here.

Try to focus on the good, Em. You're at what, about 20 weeks now? You're halfway there!

When I was about 20-22 weeks along with BB2K, we went to an outdoor drama in Cherokee, "Unto These Hills." One of the props was a cannon, and we were speculating on whether it was real. When they fired it off during the second act, I learned 2 things - 1) it was a real cannon, and 2) just how hard a 5-month fetus can kick! Nothin' wrong with her hearing!

Good to hear that you are not in pain now, Em. But if you gave me a pain pill, you could probably tie a string on my toe and use me for a balloon. Pain meds get me high as a kite - and may not get the pain. I'm still hurting, but I just don't care . . . .

Super, super true....

I might have to try that out!
I think De Nile is warmer, Alaskan - maybe you should stay in there.
19 weeks, 4 days. I managed to eat a meal, and it stayed down! Praying I have finally found the right combo of these meds. It would be so nice! The most depressing thing is my complete and total loss of independence. I have to depend on Terry for everything, because I'm too weak to do it. I never thought I'd miss vacuuming and laundry, but I do. I miss being able to walk outside with the kids and watch them play, and I miss being able to stand long enough to take a shower. It's the weakness that really bothers me.

I know the show you are referring to. I used to maintain aquariums for the Tribe, so I was there once or twice a week.

As for swimming, I'll have to decline Alaskan. I can't get my PICC line wet. I'll just watch you all from the bank.
But de nile is warm and SUPER lovely!

On that note.... I think I will take a nap.

You... Should try for five small meals a day.... Or a tiny bite every ten minutes.... Or something similar

Oops! I hear the broken record scratching... I better go lie down before someone bonks me.
Have a nice nap, Alaskan. But try to keep your nose above the water.

I'm curious - is it as warm in De Nile as it is around here? I swear, 85o as an overnight low seems like atmospheric sarcasm!
Wow! Gone for a few weeks and
our lovely Queen has been in dire straits! So sorry Em! Glad you are feeling somewhat better now. I had to read and catch up before I posted and so glad I did! I hope you continue to feel better every day!

Things are usually busy in spring and summer but this year even more so. My mom passed away last month. She had been seriously ill and was in a nursing home and ended up in the hospital with 2 fractured vertebrae. She also had bruises all over one side. All due to neglect and abuse. Having her 2 hours away made it very difficult and was very tiring and time and energy consuming as well as mentally difficult since I could not do as much as I would have liked to for her.

On a 'bad with good' note I just found out that my oldest has just gotten a very good position at the Mayo Clinic in the cancer research department...in Jacksonville Fl. . Good job for her and she was moving there anyway just that she got an excellent job was frosting on the cake for her. Bad for us up here as we'll miss her terribly. Good for us up here - we can go visit!

Anyway it is good to get back to the Kingdom!
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So sorry about your Mom. I know that was doubly hard on you. There is a special he11 for people who would do that to someone that can't defend themselves. Old people and kids are targeted by cowards and there is no punishment too severe for them.

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