*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

Em it's ironic, most women would kill for the weight you are so dearly trying to keep or even ad on to! just got to look to the bright or ironic side.....
I had a nurse tell me that too. Problem is, losing weight this way is dangerous in and of itself. Lost another 10 pounds this week. Funny thing is, I actually am feeling a bit better off and on. I guess the antibiotics are doing something. Still manage to eat a bit every day, and some days I even keep it down!

Chick, so sorry to hear about your mom. If you ever need to talk or vent, I'm just a pm away, as we all are.
x twelve billion
Is that how many voles there are in Alaska? Or are you rallying the voles in Texas, since you are visiting with your family? Siccing the vole hoard on anyone would be terrifying; please use your powers for good!

CW, I am sorry to hear about your mom. Welcome back!
With Lillian I averaged 5 pounds a week. This time around I was averaging 7, but I guess the C. Diff is helping up it a bit.

I really think the antibiotics by IV are helping tremendously. The ID doctor really did me a favor with that. It's a pain in the butt, but keeping down pills when I'm barely keeping down anything else is sort of ridiculous, and impossible.
I'm staying hooked to my fluids 24/7, and they've added a few meds, and so far its at least been bearable this week. Now if I could just kick this weakness I'll be happy. Tried picking up laundry to fold, ridiculous how hard that was.
I feel a little accomplished. Talked to the guy about my dart frogs, and booked Elsa and Ana for Lily's birthday. Also made my ID appointment! Woo! I did stuff today.

I am so happy I have no girls
I have one, and she wouldn't have gone for that sort of thing for a million dollars (well, she's a sensible girl, she'd have managed to put up with it for the million bucks).

But our majestic
Queen Em must remember that she lives on the doorstep of another enchanted kingdom, and there are ways to make money from the House of Mouse without actually working there.
There are a few folks who do that sort of thing in this area, but not a lot; most do other characters (like superheros) as well.

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