*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

Alaskan, your nieces most likely wouldn't rescue bucketfuls of tadpoles from a drying-up pond, and put them in a turtle sandbox and kiddie pool to finish growing up. They probably wouldn't go elbow-deep in one of those tadpole sanctuaries to catch a bullfrog that had invited itself in there, either.
Lily hunts squirrel with her daddy. She can tomboy it with the best of them, but she can be girly too. I will have to find the picture of her holding her freshly killed squirrel. I think she was 4. (Terry killed it, she just toted it home.)
Chick, I grew up in Florida. I've always loved the weather, but it is very expensive. You can consider yourself lucky if you find a one bedroom apartment for less than 850.00 a month. Health care here sucks. I am not sure if it's the Obamacare overhaul or just Florida in general, but as you can see by my ordeal, you don't want to get sick in Florida.
*sigh* When BB2K was a toddler, I contemplated taking all of those cute little outfits that she had, that were all those pretty pastel colors, and dyeing them all black, because that's where they seemed to be headed anyway.
Have you ever seen the movie "Napoleon?" There's a very scary character in it, a cat that is understood to have lost her marbles. When my son was a preschooler, he dealt with the cat by fast-forwarding through the scenes with her in them. BB2K's reaction to the cat was totally different. She became the cat for several days.
She does have a girly side, but I suspect she isn't really comfortable with it.

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