*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

He can't help himself. It actually made me grin, because I could tell he wasn't even thinking about it. I was going to climb in the trailer with a big old hog we are sending off to the butcher, and he was trying to stop me. "Don't you dare get in there! You're heavy bred!"

I didn't marry him for his tact.
"Heavy bred" - translation: pretty far along in a pregnancy. Clearly more tactful than "getting too big to fit in the house," "looking like you have swallowed a Volkswagen," or "assuming the circumference of a swimming pool."
(All of which might be seen as cause for justifiable homicide)

Incidentally, I was muscling around 50 lb bags of feed when I was "heavy bred," and nobody here seemed to think anything about it . . . . Other than my OB/GYN, who wanted to lock me up for the duration :rolleyes:
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When she was pregnant with our son, the Princess was immense. One night when I came home from work she was feeling down and said, "I feel like an elephant." How does a husband reply to that? If I had gone, 'Oh you poor thing.". She would have started to cry. Being quick on my feet I said, "Well heck you look like one of course you feel like one." She threw something at me, we laughed, and all was well once again. Just like MFB I am good at these things.
I gently took the hatchet away and fixed the door knob which had only been jamming for 5 or 6 months. She can be very impatient.

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