*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

Bb2K, Harvey has been out of the closet as long as I can remember.
Wardrobe choices! Oh what shall I not wear to the super moon, lunar eclipse, full moon dance? Only 14.5 hours until the performance.
Ummmmmmm . . . . . . . .Sour? We may have, um, a little problem?

Y'see, nobody has seen Harvey since yesterday. I don't mean he's not around, it's just that nobody has seen him. He doesn't seem to be anywhere, but of course, he's got to be somewhere . . . . . which means he's probably invisible. That's no big deal - he's a Pooka, after all - but it seems the last time he was seen was when he and I were doing some practice firings of the glitter cannon. The calibration seemed a bit off, but every time I said something about it, he just sort of giggled . . . . .you know that laugh. And several times, he asked about what time the celebration starts. I didn't tell him, of course, but I have a suspicion he knows anyway.

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