*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

They are only "dear" when they give you one of those diseases

You do not get 'one of those diseases' from either ticks or toilet seats.
This is sort of a hard post to write. We have debated on not telling anyone but Em asked me to go ahead and let everyone know because she figures it will get out eventually anyway.
Those who know us know Em has had a lot of problems since she got pregnant with Luke. She was hospitalized several times for lengthy stays with different infections, almost died several times and just generally had a tough go of her pregnancy.
But she got through it and God blessed us with a healthy baby boy. And for a while we thought Em was getting better.
Then she started having seizures. Her sleep patterns went crazy. Waking up multiple times every night, falling asleep in the daytime, always tired. She woke up ****** off at me several times over silly crap I did in her dreams. They were so vivid she was having trouble realizing they were only dreams. She started gaining weight, being forgetful and sometimes moody.
She's been seeing a specialist and after some sleep studies and testing she finally got some answers. But not something she wanted to hear or ever expected.

Em has been diagnosed with narcolepsy.

I'll post a link at the bottom of the post if you are like me and have no idea what the heck that is.

Right now she's fine. A bit upset naturally and sorta in shock, but ok. It's not a life threatening illness but it is a life changing one.

With me having the stroke in June and everything else going on it's been tough. But we are tough and we will get through this too. We've got each other and we've got a good marriage and right now we are just leaning on each other.

She's going back in for more tests and studies next month and will be working with the doctors and specialists to get together a plan of treatment. We will do whatever it takes to get in under control.

Keep her in your prayers. She's going through a lot right now. Let her know you are thinking of her.

I'll write more later once the shock wears off.

Hey, thank you guys. I'm doing ok. Not gonna take this lying down. Well, unless I'm napping. We are trying a stimulant first then are gonna go from there. Until then, I'm just gonna stay in my pajamas.

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