*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

I thought about making a witty remark here...but instead I think I'll go take a nap.
Well, I'm having a cruddy day.

For starters, a few days ago my dad told me that he has a surprise for me, and I hate surprises. What makes it worse is that I'm the only one of his kids who he wouldn't tell. Now, I know he was just trying to make it a nice surprise for me, but if he was as involved in my life as maybe he should be, he would know how much I hate surprises!
Anyway, he's moving. Moving away from a house I like, a town I like, friends and neighbors I like, a neighborhood I like... Everything. Thank God he's staying in WA so I can still visit, but it's not the same. Can't have any more impromptu bike rides to the movies or down to the AM-PM for a slushie, or afternoons just gabbing with friends before walking the ONE block home. No more library that I love.
I'm just mad that I'm the only one out of the loop.

Then I log onto BYC and catch up on threads, only to find out that Justbugged's dog Puppy has passed away. It seems silly 'cause he wasn't my dog and I only knew him for about nine months, but now I'm all teary.
This is not my day.
Hey, eenie.
Everybody's allowed a sad day now and then.

Thanks, Sour.
My stepdad isn't responding well to me having a bad day, because he's sick. Things get complicated when more than one person is miserable at a time.
I'm thinking of sending my dad a card and a housewarming gift. Something along the lines of, "Dear Dad, I'm not stupid. Love, Evelyn."
Em was trying to hi jack the battery hen thread, but
lady and Sourland convinced her to leave before irreparable damage was inflicted. I checked and the batteries in her collar were weakened. Hopefully things are once again under control.
Em, it's never your fault!
Always blame others and protect your back
If all else fails, claim "Da devil made mr do it!)
(sorry Flip)


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