*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

I have eaten him
you will never see him again. Either that or Em chopped his head off.
Traitor! she isn't the queen anymore! she has been overthrown! WE are the queens!
Cl16, you've been hanging around Orps too much! You're now as delusional as she is! Sweet Mary, John is Ok for now. He han't been eaten by anything yet.
As for Queens there is only one Queen in this realm and that is Queen Em!!! Oh there is one thing worse than being beheaded, being ffed to the candiru. If you don't know what one is, Google it.
Cl16, you've been hanging around Orps too much! You're now as delusional as she is! Sweet Mary, John is Ok for now. He han't been eaten by anything yet.
As for Queens there is only one Queen in this realm and that is Queen Em!!! Oh there is one thing worse than being beheaded, being ffed to the candiru. If you don't know what one is, Google it.

JD give me some kisses
cl16,this is Queen Em's realm! If you want to be a queen,find your own.

Orps,you know better!

JD and Bunny, I know it's hard(and I've broken the Queen's mandate with this post!), but don't feed the trolls!

JD, didn't you fill in all the holes that were dug earlier in the gardens? That way Wisher could start the gardens again!


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