*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

TwoCrows did I ever tell you the story of how, 48 years ago when we moved to this home, I taught he crows to stay out of my garbage cans? Corvids are watchful, and they have very good memories.
Sour, please do tell...
I left the house 12 hours ago to spend the day with my sister's fiancée's family. Awkward, awkward day. (The only good thing is that they have a gummy worm jar in the pantry. :drool )
I left the house 12 hours ago to spend the day with my sister's fiancée's family. Awkward, awkward day. (The only good thing is that they have a gummy worm jar in the pantry.
That does sound awkward but the gummy worms sound good!
Alaskan, maybe it is the reintroduction of coffee to your system turning your skin a darker brown color. LOL
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Tani you survived.

Alaskan, IMMEDIATELY thrust your arms into a snowbank - there must be one left somewhere. It is the only therapy that will keep them from falling off. Yes, your head too - it too will soon start turning red. frogs

Crow education: The crows were removing the lids from our garbage cans and strewing trash around the back yard. I padded the jaws of a jump/leg hold trap, set it on top of the garbage and wired it fast to the can. At daybreak pluperfect Hades broke out in the backyard. The Princess asked, "What the heck is going on?" "Crow school, dear. Crow school." I exited the house and the flock left - all but the one bird secured by his legs. He closed his eyes thinking that if he couldn't see me perhaps I couldn't see him. I prodded him gently to waken him, and we had a little talk. I turned him loose - uninjured but educated, and the crows have behaved ever since. They know where their feeding stations are, and we have a great relationship. I feed - they harass hawks. Works for us. Sometimes.
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Sour...yes, that would do it. Even talking to them will learn them as well. I had a long talk with a Raven here about stealing our trout from our fish farming tank. I stood there and shook my finger at him for 10 mins, telling him that it was wrong to steal our food. He never did it again.

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