*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

Happy New Year everyone
May your days be filled with sparkles
May your nights be Chucky free
May all the things you strive to do
Be all you hoped they'd be
May you share love and laughter
And the joy that never ends
These are Bunny's wishes for you
In 2014, my friends!
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Thanks, Bunny, my whole body is covered with sparkles - putting away the inside Christmas decorations -
. My bed was Chucky free, Princess found him in her jacket and said, "Chucky likes me." Scary - are they in collusion.
So that's what Chucky has up his sleeve - getting in good with the Princess.

Ummmm, Sour? Chucky hasn't volunteered to hold the ladder while you get those lights on the house down, has he?
So that's what Chucky has up his sleeve - getting in good with the Princess.

Ummmm, Sour? Chucky hasn't volunteered to hold the ladder while you get those lights on the house down, has he?
Some time ago, The neighbor girl was over playing with my Youngest Daughter. The Neighbor said, when I was getting something out of the close: "Don't go in there! That's were Chucy is!"

Do not let 9 year old's watch movies like that.....
Doug Gresham says that the first time his family visited C.S. Lewis's house, he saw a wardrobe standing in the hall. He asked "Jack" (as he was known to his friends) if that was the wardrobe, of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe fame. The author replied, "It might be." Doug was about 9 at the time, and he says now, "It was years before I dared to put something in that wardrobe." (His mother became friends and later the wife of Jack Lewis, a story made famous in Shadowlands.)
Do not let ANYONE watch Chucky movies. I replaced the batteries in my Beavis doll. Perhaps he will warn of Chucky's approach.
Sour, you expect a Beavis doll to protect you from a Chucky doll? Would this make you a ****head?
C'mon Sour, use your magic here!

And you might ought to try harder to get the Princess on your side!

I just looked up from the keyboard and Chucky is poised to the left of the computer desk, right arm and knife extended. Beavis is silent on the upper right hand top of the computer desk. He has the look of a hawk terrified chicken.

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