*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

I doubt there's much point in going through his pockets for loose change, either way . . .

Oh, eenie, sabotage? How could you even think such a thing? I'm sure that when an invisible rabbit and a moon-dancing Broody Magician put in a good word for you, you'll be approved, no problem! (I'd include a shock- collared Queen, but I'm not sure whether they'd be willing to come to the Kingdom to interview her. The "Hotel California" reputation may worry them a bit).
Nah, just banish him to harvey's room for the remainder of his hopefully for his sake short life. eenie. I hope you get that job, I know we must be any reason you fail a background check. we will let you out of the dungeon and you can work with me in the royal mortuary....
Unfortunately, when I was pregnant with Lillian, that doctors views were the majority, not the minority. I got lucky with my doctor back then. This time though, I'm really enjoying how sympathetic and understanding most people are. I'm the only one who pushes myself.
If the doctor's data are accurate, and two thirds of the women with PICC's wind up with infections, then I can certainly see why this doctor would consider installing one a course of absolutely last resort. Pregnancy lowers your resistance to infection anyways; treatment of the infection is yet another risk . . . Then there's the added risk of blood clots, which is higher in pregnant women anyway, and you've already had one - so yeah, I'd be sweating bullets over such a decision. I can totally see his point of view there. But the part I have a real problem with is the "suck it up and deal" attitude. How anyone could look at the amount of weight you have lost and try to counsel you to just "woman up" and take it is beyond me. It looks like an extreme situation to me; the kind that calls for extreme measures.

As you know, I experienced post-partum depression after the birth of my first child. There were other issues as well; one time, I went to see a doctor about one of those other issues. When she heard me describing what was going on, she tried to hint rather delicately that, with the baby getting all of the attention, I was perhaps feeling a bit neglected and in need of a little attention myself. I exerted all the self-control I could muster and resisted the urge to delicately apply some attention to the doctor's face with the palm of my hand . . . . Instead, I pointed out that as far as I was concerned, the baby wasn't getting enough attention, at least from me, and rather than getting me attention, the problems I was experiencing were interfering with my ability to do what I considered to be a proper job of looking after my child. I have to give her credit; after that, she took me seriously enough to run some tests and actually did find something physical (not just psychological) going on. She still wanted me to stop nursing so she could put me on an anti-depressant, but I wasn't going for that.

After all the 'fun' I had with the first one, it took quite a while for me to muster the courage to run the gauntlet a second time. I knew that those with a history are at risk of repeating with even more of the same, and my increasing age created other risks. But I had learned a few things that came in useful on the repeat trip, too. Some things were as bad or worse, the second time around, but some were better; the depression didn't return, thank the Lord! History doesn't have to repeat itself; I'm believing that things will get better for you, Em!
They keep asking me if I'm depressed. I said "I am starving to death and I feel like sh*t 24/7, who wouldn't be a little depressed?"

This has actually been 1000 times easier, emotionally anyway, this time. The illness is worse, and I'm worried about the baby, but I know more what I'm into and what to expect this time. It also helps that Royalty has the same issue, so it's helped raise awareness.

Of course, having a loving, supportive husband this time around has sure made the journey easier. Plus, we have an amazing family in our Church and Lily's school who have truly gone above and beyond as well. Her principal checks on me daily, gives me pep talks, takes Lillian with her daughter to go do things...it's a much smoother ride. So I guess it is both harder, and easier.
I've been gone awhile but now I'm back. I was so hoping Queen Em, That you were feeling better. Glad you're getting/got your PICC line. Hope you're up to attending the Moat Party in your honor.
ps ... I'll bring the IV fluids.
And deviled eggs. Green ones of course. And the ham, also green.

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