*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

My two were as different as night and day.

My son was a "spitter" until he was over a year old. His napping was unpredictable; a lot of the time I could not put him down; I had to sit holding him in my arms in the recliner so that he could sleep at all. When he got overtired, he'd get so wound up it seemed like he couldn't find "sleep mode." I said he at least gave me points for trying - he didn't just scream no matter what I did, but he varied between "fussy days" and "very fussy days." At least holding him helped - though it seemed like I did it so much, it amazes me that he learned to crawl at all. It got a little better when he started walking (at 8 months), but then of course, I had to keep an eye on him. He either had to be hanging onto me, involved in whatever I was doing, or heading off in another direction, in which case I had to follow him, because he simply didn't come when I called him. I felt like the world's most clueless mom.

BB2K was totally different. In almost all of the pictures we have of her as a baby, she is smiling. She pretty much only cried when she wanted something, and I was amazed to realize that I usually knew what she needed before she did more than whimper a bit. Glory be, the child could sleep on her own, and even play contentedly nearby while I got other things done. Oh, yes, she had fussy days too, but even at her worst she never got near what her brother did. A lot of the time, she got along fairly well with her brother (one of my favorite memories is of the two of them "cooking" with some old pots while I was making dinner), but I had to stay close because I knew the peace could be short-lived. Like his father as a child, he had a nasty temper, and since he is 4 1/2 years older, I had good reason to fear that he might seriously injure her when he blew up. Thank the Lord, he outgrew that, and they became the best of friends.
Luke has been amazing. Honestly, if I had him before Lillian I'd have had one a year like clockwork. He makes me look like I know what I'm doing!

Now, to be perfectly honest, I was simply relieved to have a healthy baby. That Big Guy upstairs was really looking out for us. It may honestly not seem like a miracle, but when you break down this pregnancy, he really is. I had a fever of 103.2 the first infection, when I was still in my first trimester. Mega strong antibiotics, and various medicines for the pain. Again, first trimester.
Second infection I ran a fever of 102 fairly steadily for over a week. Until Delirium and loss of consciousness sent me to the ICU. X rays, MRI's, the whole barrage of tests. Again, strong antibiotics and pain meds.
Third infection fever of 102.3, and I don't even remember what all they gave me. Infection spread to my heart and caused brain abscess. I do know I had x rays, MRI's, and was under anesthesia for some more tests.
Through all of that, we still managed to be blessed with a perfect baby boy. He was 8 pounds, 8 ounces, even though 90% of my pregnancy I couldnt even eat. He's definitely our tiny miracle.
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It worked guys. If anyone ever doubts God's presence in our lives, I can certainly point to Terry and I as a grand example the last few years. He has blessed us many many times. Thank you all for the well wishes and prayers. Aside from recovering from the C Section, I'm feeling great. Luke is doing well and is healthy. I can't ask for more than that.
My first never cried in the hospital. He started crying when we got home and cried for three months. When he turned three months old, he stopped crying and rarely cried again.

That's just how my first was. My little girl. Now in her 40's. I used to wonder how she would turn out when she was doing all of that crying. I thought I had a little beasty there for a while, then when she stopped at three months..tummy must have felt better...she became a different happy baby.
It worked guys. If anyone ever doubts God's presence in our lives, I can certainly point to Terry and I as a grand example the last few years. He has blessed us many many times. Thank you all for the well wishes and prayers. Aside from recovering from the C Section, I'm feeling great. Luke is doing well and is healthy. I can't ask for more than that.
I love haring of His miracles ~ like this one.
I'm thinking all the turkeys in this place ought to be feeling pretty thankful today.

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