*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

Still some props in the garage needing to be finished.

New cannon, will be hooked to a fog machine and shoot smoke.
Stone bench for the cementary.

Need to cut the wheels for the hearst.

Saw a neat design for a paddy wagon I should build for next year.

I really think that we've got the best props in the area. Most handmade.
We're at the point where we've outgrown our three-bay garage storage
area with stuff.

Had several offers from patrons wanting to buy my new walking staff...five
foot pole, rattles in the bottom, flip switch turns the purple LED lights on. Pretty
cool stick.
Spook, ya been busy. Sounds like great fun. Really loved the mental visual of 'Devil Jim' and the 'Mothman' attack.

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