*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

I'll take her to the aviary with me. I'm already taking a 3 year old and a 4 year old, how much trouble could Queen Em be?

Is this a rhetorical question?

The aviary is enclosed and full of birds, I thought that maybe it would keep her occupied for at least a few minutes... She could even bring her daughter...
No turkeys... a great horned owl, a bald eagle, a Steller Sea Eagle (that always looks like it wants to eat my son...), some large pigeon that attacks my son, lorikeets, flamingos, California condors and a sloth (not really sure why the sloth lives at the aviary...).
She plans to use it on me -.- she is only about 45 minutes away from me too

Oh no, we have other plans for you. We're just trying to keep Em at home so she can recover from surgery and infection...


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